
2017-08-05 作者: 333阅读


Topic: Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is? Original Beneath the surface usually lies the truth which may turns out to be unexpected and subversive. To those who only see one facet of an event, things invariably seem simple and single-sided. But to those who are perceivable enough to explore things underneath the surface, there is always a “however”. One prime example is the America Stock Market Crash in 1929. In the dazzling twentieth, the American bull market was so financially inviting that even the American middle class poured its money into the stock market, like the New York Stock Exchange. However, on October 4, 1929, the American economy came to an abrupt halt when the New York Stock Exchange crashed. The previous widespread optimism then shifted to a desperate pessimism shading the whole nation as nightmare. Consequently, the Great Depression bell, leaving American economy crippling. However, the American president Roosevelt insightfully staged a series of measures to save the falling economy. Just like a beam of sunlight expels the black cloud in the sky, Roosevelt brought a beam of hope to American people, saving the whole nation from the suicidal pessimism. Some may deem the Great Depression as an outright catastrophe to America. Yet beneath the bad impacts it heaved upon the country, we may find many benits resulted. It is after the Great Depression that American people began to hold dear the value of prudence when investing in the stock market. They are more likely to avoid being overwhelmed by the seemingly sweeping optimism of current financial situations. The prophets on economy, formerly imprudent and arbitrary, are learning to be more carul and perspicacious when making predictions to the public. Thus, from this “disaster”, American people benit from the financial fiasco and forged some new and benicial habits that they previously lacked. In addition, the event I went through also supports this thesis. In the beginning of my first high-school semester, I met my mathematics teacher, an old man with stony face and low-key voice. He was, by the first glance, cold and uninteresting. Nevertheless, notonly he taught very good math, but he also owned strong charisma, such as humor and friendliness. He has a wide breadth of knowledge, so by his citing poems to illustrate mathematical theories, we comprehend them better. Hencorth, I came to realize that that my first impression of him was totally wrong and unreliable. Every coin has two side. We learn facts though exploring carully, coupled with analyzing evenhandedly. Only by the correct means can we put tings in right perspective. 419 words Topic: Is the way something seems to be not always the same as it actually is?




Revised by Luke

Beneath the surface usually lies the truth which may turns out to be unexpected and subversive. To those who only see one facet of an event, things invariably seem simple and single-sided. However to those who are perceivable enough to explore things underneath the surface, there is always a “BUT”. 首段不错,我只做小改动。

One prime example is the America Stock Market Crash in 1929.(原来此处这句基本没有用,且罗嗦)On October 4th, the American economy came to an abrupt turning point from soar to slump (此处应该强调是从暴涨到暴跌的转折点,原来用的halt仅仅是停滞,不足以表达转折点) when the New York Stock Exchange crashed. The previous widespread optimism then shifted to a desperate pessimism shading the whole nation as nightmare. (此处原句是Consequently, the Great Depression bell, leaving American economy crippling. 无用,故删除!) When the Great Depression bell, almost all were very pessimistic about American economy. Was the situation really as it seemed to be? (此处应强调人们普遍看衰美国经济,然后反问:但事实是这样吗?--引导入原题的立场)

President Roosevelt said no. (以此方法跟上段的设问呼应). (insightfully staged a series of measures to save the falling economy. Just like a beam of sunlight expels the black cloud in the sky, Roosevelt brought a beam of hope to American people, saving the whole nation from the suicidal pessimism此处的溢美之词实属多余). He staged a series of measures to stimulate the falling economy and regulate the financial market. These measures and regulations have ensured a sound and steady growth for the next seventy years. In this sense, the Depression is not the same as it seems to be.

(American economy Some may deem the Great Depression as an outright catastrophe to America. Yet beneath the bad impacts it heaved upon the country, we may find many benits resulted. It is after the Great Depression that American people began to hold dear the value of prudence when investing in the stock market. They are more likely to avoid being overwhelmed by the seemingly sweeping optimism of current financial situations. The prophets on economy, formerly imprudent and arbitrary, are learning to be more carul and perspicacious when making predictions to the public. Thus, from this “disaster”, American people benit from the financial fiasco and forged some new and benicial habits that they previously lacked. 有了上述表述,此段全部没有用,具体细节根本不需细说。)


In addition, the event I went through also supports this thesis. In the beginning of my first high-school semester, I met my mathematics teacher, an old man with stony face and low-key voice. He was, by the first glance, cold and uninteresting. Nevertheless, not only he taught very good math, but he also owned strong charisma, such as humor and friendliness. He has a wide breadth of knowledge, so by his citing poems to illustrate mathematical theories, we comprehend them better. Hencorth, I came to realize that that my first impression of him was totally wrong and unreliable.

Every coin has two side.(尽管此句较土,还是可以用。) We learn facts though exploring carully, coupled with analyzing evenhandedly. Only by the correct means can we put tings in right perspective.

Word count

Beneath the surface usually lies the truth which may turns out to be unexpected and subversive. To those who only see one facet of an event, things invariably seem simple and single-sided. However to those who are perceivable enough to explore things underneath the surface, there is always a “BUT”.

One prime example is the America Stock Market Crash in 1929. On October 4th, the American economy came to an abrupt turning point from soar to slump when the New York Stock Exchange crashed. The previous widespread optimism then shifted to a desperate pessimism shading the whole nation as nightmare. When the Great Depression bell, almost all were very pessimistic about American economy. Was the situation really as it seemed to be?

President Roosevelt said no. He staged a series of measures to stimulate the falling economy and regulate the financial market. These measures and regulations have ensured a sound and steady growth for the next seventy years. In this sense, the Depression is not the same as it seems to be.

In addition, the event I went through also supports this thesis. In the beginning of my first high-school semester, I met my mathematics teacher, an old man with stony face and low-key voice. He was, by the first glance, cold and uninteresting. Nevertheless, not only he taught very good math, but he also owned strong charisma, such as humor and friendliness. He has a wide breadth of knowledge, so by his citing poems to illustrate mathematical theories, we comprehend them better. Hencorth, I came to realize that that my first impression of him was totally wrong and unreliable.

Every coin has two side. We learn facts though exploring carully, coupled with analyzing evenhandedly. Only by the correct means can we put tings in right perspective.

297 words

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