2017-08-05 247阅读
1.And this separation the detective feels between himself and the rest of the world is deepened by the simple mindedness as he sees it-of citizens, social workers, doctors law-makers, and judges, who, instead of eliminating crime punish the criminals less severely in the hope that this will make them rorm.
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[语法难点]:句子的主语是separation,谓语是is deepened。the detective feels是修饰separation的定语从句,介词短语between himself and„也是修饰separation的定语,这两个定语造成了主谓分隔。as引导的句子是方式状语从句;介词短语of citizens, social workers„是mindedness的定语;who引导的定语从句修饰前面的五个名词;that引导的定语从句修饰hope。
2.Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools.
[语法难点] 这段话并不难理解,主要涉及到几项并列结构以及定语从句,which 引导的非限制性定语从句修饰hypocritical spectacles,who引导的定语从句修饰the publisher,advocating是journalist的后置定语,whose引导的非限制性定语从句也修饰前面的journalist。
[句子翻译] 相反,我们被款待看到这样一些虚伪的壮观景象,他们似乎比以前的任何时候都更供应充足:美国式物质主义的批判者却拥有位于南安普顿的避暑山庄:激进书籍的出版商却在三星级餐厅享用一日三餐;倡导在人生各个阶段的参与民主制的记者,他的子女却就读于私立学校。
3.There was still the faith that ordinary men are greater than the powers of nature or the mechanisms of man’s hands and will master them all in the end.
[语法难点] that引导的句子是faith的同位语,them指代前面的the powers of nature以及the mechanisms of man’s hands。
[句子翻译] 仍然具有这种信念,普通人的力量要比自然的力量或人类造出来的机器更伟大,而且最终会控制它们。
4.Captured document which we have obtained from individuals who had been infiltrated through this corridor plus prisoner--of—war reports that we have obtained in recent months led us to believe that the volume of infiltration has expanded substantially.
[语法难点]: 这个句子是由一个主句,三个定语从句和一个宾语从句组成的。“缴获的文件外加战俘的口供使我们相信„„”是主句, 也是全句的中心内容,主句中的主语“文件”和“口供”均有限制性定语从句作修饰成分,宾语“相信”后有一个宾语从句。
[句子翻译] 我们从经由这个走廊渗透进来的人身上缴获的文件,加上近几个月从战俘那里得到的口供,使我们相信,渗透的规模确实扩大了。
5.A survey of new stories in 1996 reveals that the antiscience tag has been attached to many other groups as well, from authorities who advocated the elimination of the last remaining stocks of smallpox virus to Republicans who advocated decreased funding for basic research。
[语法难点] 在that引导的宾语从句中,又套入了两个who引导的定语从句。这个句子主句的主体是a survey reveals that„。从句的结构比较复杂:主语是the antiscience tag(反科学的标签),谓语是has been attached to(被贴到),宾语是many other groups,后面用了一个from sb. who„to sb. who„的结构来举例解释这些groups包括什么人
[句子翻译] 1996年进行的一次对新书的调查显示,“反科学”的标签也被贴在了很多别的人群的身上,包括提倡根除残余的天花病毒的权威机构,以及提倡削减基础科学研究资金的民主党人
6.But he talked as well about the ―balanced struggle‖ between creative freedom and social responsibility, and he announced that the company would launch a drive to develop standards for distribution and labeling of potentially objectionable music.
[句子主干]But he talked as well about …, and he announced that…
7.Actually, it isn&apost, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.
[句子主干] Actually it isn’ t, because it assumes that„, which is„
[语法难点] 有套合从句。本句为主从复合句。主句很简单,而because引导的原因状语从句中,又有一个that引导的宾语从句。这个从句中,主语an agreed account of human rights由一个which引导的飞行定性定语从句修饰,而这个非限定性定语从句中又有一个限定性定语从句the world does not have来修饰something。
[句子翻译] 事实并非如此,因为这种问法是以人们对人的权利有共同的认识为基础的,而这种共同认识并不存在。
8.This is precisely what alarms the sighted reader who thinks of reading as a private and intensely personal act, a solo flight with no copilot to look over your shoulder, make snide comments, or gush about the view.
[句子主干] this is precisely what alarms the sighted reader„„
[语法难点] what 引导的是表语从句,who引导的定语从句修饰the sighted reader,think„as„.将„.认为是„„
[句子翻译] 正是这样的感觉为那些有眼光的读者敲醒了警钟,这些人把阅读看作是一件私事和极度个人的行为,就像在没有副驾驶员看者你肩膀的情况下单独飞行一样,做低劣的评论,或涌现出想法。
9.A poignant account of the violation of a woman’s virtue stood a much better chance of appealing to northern sensibilities than a pronouncement for woman’s individual rights, if only because such an account reaffirmed woman’s essentially domestic nature.
[句子主干] A poignant account„stood a much better chance„. than a pronouncement
[语法难点] 句子的主要结构是比较级,多个限定成分的出现扰乱了读者思路。其中account of the violation of a woman’s virtue,chance of appealing to northern sensibilities,pronouncement for woman’s individual rights都是有多个限定成分的句子,这句话的主语是violation,谓语是stood,宾语部分由一个比较级组成。if only的意思是只要、、、、、only if 意为只有、、、、
[句子翻译] 关于违背女性德行的辛辣言论比对妇女个人权利的宣告更能够吸引北方人的注意,只要这个言论重申女性家庭的本质。
10.(1)He wore the blue bag in the manner of my great –coat , (2)and was strutting along the pavement towards me on the opposite side of the street, (3)attended by a company of delighted young friends to whom he from time to time exclaimed ,with a wave of his hand ,‖Don’t know yah!‖
[句子主干] He„. was strutting„. towards me,„.attended by young friends
[语法难点] 本句话可以分为三部分,重点在于理解各个部分之间的连接关系,其中第三部分attended„„.表示被动,作伴随状语。in the manner of是以„.的方式
[句子翻译] 他把兰色的袋子披在身上,像我穿大衣一样,沿着石铺路摆出四方步从对面的人行道出发向我走过来,有一群快乐的少年伙伴围在他左右,他一次又一次地对他们挥着手并且呼喊着:“不认识你啊!”
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