
2017-08-05 作者: 236阅读


  Parallelism(平行结构): the technique of arranging words, phrases, clauses, or larger structures by placing them side by side and making them similar in form.

  Parody(仿拟): a work that ridicules the style of another work by imitating and exaggerating its elements

  Pastoral(田园诗): a poem about idealized rural life, or shepherds, or both; also called an idyll

  Persona(人物角色): a fictional voice that a writer adopts to tell a story, determined by subject matter and audience; e.g., Mark Twain.

  Personification(拟人): the attribution of human qualities to a nonhuman or an inanimate object.

  Persuasion(议论): one of the four modes of discourse; language intended to convince through appeals to reason or emotion; also called argument.

  Point of view(人称角度): the perspective from which a story is presented; common points of view include:

  First person narrator(第一人称): a narrator, rerred to as “I,” who is a character in the story and relates the actions through his or her perspective, also revealing his or her own thoughts.

  Stream of consciousness narrator(意识流): like a first person narrator, but instead placing the reader inside the character’s head, making the reader privy to the continuous, chaotic flow of disconnected, half-formed thoughts and impressions as they flow through the character’s consciousness.

  Omniscient narrator(全知叙述): a third person narrator, rerred to as “he,” “she,” or “they,” who is able to see into each character’s mind and understands all the action.

  Limited omniscient narrator(参与叙述): a third person narrator who only reports the thoughts of one character, and generally only what that one character sees.

  Objective narrator(客观叙述): a third person narrator who only reports what would be visible to a camera; thoughts and feelings are only revealed if a character speaks of them.

  Protagonist(主人公): the main character of a literary work.

  Realism(现实主义): a nineteenth-century literary movement in Europe and the United States that stressed accuracy in the portrayal of life, focusing on characters with whom middle-class readers could easily identify; in direct contrast with romanticism.

  Regionalism(地方主义): an element in literature that conveys a realistic portrayal of a specific geographical locale, using the locale and its influences as a major part of the plot.

  Rhetoric(修辞学): the art of using language fectively; involves (1) writer’s purpose, (2) his or her consideration of the audience, (3) the exploration of the subject, (4) arrangement and organization of the

  ideas, (5) style and tone of expression, and (6) form

  Rhetorical modes(修辞模式): exposition, description, narration, argumentation(说明模式、描写模式、记叙模式和议论模式)



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