
2017-08-04 作者: 206阅读



  Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  While a “rock” is usually dined as ------- , or a combination, of one or more minerals, geologists often ------- the dinition to include such materials as clay, loose sand, and certain limestones.

  Answer Choices

  (A) a conglomeration . . limit

  (B) an aggregate . . extend

  (C) an element . . eliminate

  (D) a blend . . restrict

  (E) a product . . provide

  The correct answer is B


  Choice (B) is correct. If these terms were inserted into the sentence, the sentence would read, “While a &aposrock&apos is usually dined as an aggregate, or combination, of one or more minerals, geologists often extend the dinition to include such materials as clay, loose sand, and certain limestones.” An “aggregate” is the sum total of a combination of things, so a “rock” is an aggregate of one or more minerals. In addition to minerals, geologists feel confident including other materials such as “clay, loose sand, and certain limestones” in their dinition of a rock; they “extend,” or broaden, the dinition


  Because King Philip&aposs desire to make Spain the dominant power in sixteenth-century Europe ran counter to Queen Elizabeth&aposs insistence on autonomy for England, ------- was -------.

  Answer Choices

  (A) reconciliation . . assured

  (B) warfare . . avoidable

  (C) ruination . . impossible

  (D) conflict . . inevitable

  (E) diplomacy . . simple

  The correct answer is D


  Difficulty: Hard

  The word "because" indicates that the information in the first part of the sentence (the part bore the comma) explains the reason for the situation described in the second part. The first part states that what King Philip wanted (domination for Spain) "ran counter to" what Queen Elizabeth wanted (independence for England). Choice (D) logically completes the sentence: Given that there was such a fundamental disagreement between the two monarchs, "conflict" would likely be "inevitable," or unavoidable.





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