
2017-08-04 作者: 244阅读



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  Mathematics > Standard Multiple Choice

  Read the following SAT test question and then click on a button to select your answer.

  A gasoline tank on a certain tractor holdsgallons of gasoline. If the tractor requiresgallons to plowacres, how many acres can the tractor plow with a tankful of gasoline?






  The correct answer is A


  In the question, you are told thatgallons of gasoline can plowacres and you are asked to find how many acres, call it, can be plowed bygallons. You can set up a ratio of the number of gallons of gasoline used to the number of acres plowed. Therore, you have. Cross-multiplying and solving forgives you the answer ofacres, oracres.


  The odometer of a new automobile functions improperly and registers only 2 miles for every 3 miles driven. If the odometer indicates 48 miles, how many miles has the automobile actually been driven?

  (A) 144

  (B) 72

  (C) 64

  (D) 32

  (E) 24

  The correct answer is B


  In this problem, you are told that the odometer registers only 2 miles for every 3 miles driven. So the ratio of miles registered to miles driven is 2 to 3 or 2 over 3. This can be expressed as

  odometer reading over actual miles = 2 over 3

  If the odometer indicates 48 miles, the actual miles can be found using using the above relationship as follows:

  48 over x = 2 over 3 and 2x = 144 and x=72

  So if the odometer indicates 48 miles, the actual number of miles driven is 72.



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