
2017-08-04 作者: 266阅读


  After reading the passage, choose the answer to the question that most fectively improves the quality of writing in the passage or that makes the passage conform to the conventions of standard written English. Sometimes the question will include a "NO CHANGE" option. Choose that option if you think the best choice is to leave the relevant portion of the passage as it is.

  To determine whether chimpanzees are more likely to delay gratification for a cooked food reward than they are for a raw food reward, cognition researchers Felix Warneken and Alexandra Rosati conducted an experiment comparing chimpanzees' decisions in two situations: a "raw-delay" condition and a "cooked-delay" condition. In the raw-delay condition, Warneken and Rosati offered the chimpanzees a choice between receiving a piece of raw food immediately or waiting for one minute to receive three pieces of raw food; the researchers tested 60 chimpanzees in the raw-delay condition. In the cooked-delay condition, in which the chimpanzees could receive one piece of raw food immediately or wait one minute for three pieces of cooked food, they chose the larger, delayed reward approximately 85 percent of the time.

  Select an answer

  The writer wants to accurately incorporate information from the graph, which presents data collected during the experiment described in the paragraph. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?


  (B) the chimpanzees chose the larger, delayed reward 60 percent of the time.

  (C) the choices for the larger, delayed reward increased by approximately 85 percent.

  (D) chimpanzees selected the larger, delayed reward approximately 85 percent of the time in the raw-delay condition.



  Choice B is the best answer because it accurately interprets data from the graph and uses it to set up the paragraph's reporting of Warneken and Rosati’s findings. Because the following sentence in the paragraph reports the choices made in the cooked-delay condition, it makes sense that this sentence would report the choices made in the raw-delay condition.




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