
2017-08-04 作者: 214阅读


  To show how a common desk fan cools a person, Rhett Allain, a physics professor and writer for Wired magazine, performed a simple experiment. He wet a paper towel with warm water and wrapped it around a thermometer. Allain wrapped a second thermometer in a dry paper towel. Afterward, he set both thermometers in front of a fan. Initially the fan was turned off. The temperature of the thermometer wrapped in the wet paper towel decreased—at first rapidly, then more slowly—and eventually dropped below room temperature. After the fan was turned on, the temperature of the wet thermometer underwent another rapid decrease. By contrast, the temperature of the thermometer wrapped in the dry paper towel barely changed during the entire experiment. This experiment demonstrated the power of evaporation to cool wet objects, such as a sweaty person, and the role of a fan in making evaporation more fective.

  Which choice most fectively combines the underlined sentences?

  A.Allain wrapped a second thermometer in a dry paper towel, and then he set both thermometers in front of a fan.

  B.Wrapping a second thermometer in a dry paper towel, Allain set both thermometers in front of a fan.

  C.Bore setting both thermometers in front of a fan, Allain had wrapped a second thermometer in a dry paper towel.

  D.Allain set both thermometers down in front of a fan, but first he wrapped a second thermometer in a dry paper towel.



  Choice A is the best answer because it most fectively combines the underlined sentences. It presents two steps in the experiment in the most logical sequence: First, Allain wrapped a second thermometer in a dry paper towel. Then, he placed the thermometer wrapped in the wet paper towel and the thermometer wrapped in the dry paper towel in front of a fan.




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