
2017-08-04 作者: 53阅读



Service More Information Fee
Additional score report request Four reports are included free with every registration. This fee applies for more than four reports during registration, or any report made outside of the registration period. $11 Fee waiver available
Rush order Rush reporting sends your score reports by first-class mail or electronically, depending on how each institution receives scores, normally within two business days after your score reporting order has been completed. Colleges may take additional time to retrieve or process your scores once they are received. The standard fee for additional score report requests applies to each score report you wish to include with your order. $31 Additional reports are $11
Scores by phone

Scores by phone are released according to the same schedule as online scores. This service does not send scores to colleges any earlier.

To get your score by phone, call Customer Service. You will need your test registration number (printed on your Admission Ticket), your birth date, a credit card number and the card&aposs expiration date.

$15 (per call)
Archived (older) scores order If you want to retrieve old test scores, you should request archived scores. You can request them by phone or mail. The standard fee for additional score report requests applies to each score report you wish to include with your order. $30
SAT Question-and-Answer Service This services provides the test questions from the specified test you took, the correct answers, scoring instructions and a form you can use to order a copy of your answer sheet. $18 Fee waiver available
SAT Student Answer Service This service provides a list of question types from the specified test you took; whether you answered the question correctly or incorrectly, or omitted the answer; and the level of difficulty. ¥13.50 Fee waiver available
Multiple-choice score verification

Hand score verification is the most rigorous level of score verification. As such, it overrides other forms of score verification. If you order hand score verification, you will no longer see the full My SAT Online Score Report and you will not have access to the Student Answer Service or Question-and-Answer Service for your hand scored answer sheet.

When hand scoring of a multiple-choice score is requested, your entire answer sheet will be manually reviewed - you cannot request verification of scores for a single section on the SAT or just one of several SAT Subject Tests taken on the same date.

$55 Fee reduction available
Essay score verification This verification determines whether there was an error made in the scanning or processing of the essay scores assigned by essay readers. If an error is found, your adjusted score is automatically reported and your fee is runded. $55 Fee reductio



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