
2017-08-04 作者: 231阅读



  Makeup Testing

  If your center is unable to open on test day or if a misadministration or irregularity occurs, a makeup test may be scheduled, and you will be notified by the SAT Program. The following policies apply to makeup testing:

  Only registered students can take a makeup test. Students who have already tested during the same administration may not use a makeup administration to retest or to take a different SAT Program test.

  You may test only at the center for which you are registered or authorized.

  You may only take tests that you registered to take on the original date.

  You must take the entire SAT or Subject Test at a makeup administration. You may not take partial tests or specific sections of a test.

  Sunday testing is available for religious reasons only. You may not test on Sunday if you missed the test on Saturday.

  Question-and-Answer Service is not offered for makeup tests even if QAS was available for the original test date.

  The availability of makeup testing and the conditions under which test-takers are entitled to take a makeup test are at the sole discretion of the College Board.

  Access to your online essay image from a makeup administration will not be available until several weeks after the makeup date.



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