转信请注明澳际 www.gter.net [b][b]huangjin_suzhou,非常感谢从你开头,大家开始关心和统计美国院校对GRE成绩的要求!非常仓促编辑你的帖子,已经发悄悄话向你致歉了,希望你能理解 :)在此,感谢huangjin_suzhou,robinii,pkufrog,kaye,woolf等提供信息的gters,感谢以后继续提供院校反馈信息的gters! [b]我从这里开始作统计,把近来大家咨询到的各个学校对GRE/TOEFL成绩的要求汇总一下,希望[b]对更多人有参考价值! 同时希望更多的gters写mail询问各个大学,同时最好注明你的消息来源:是从具体的院系?还是研究生招生部门?还是你联系到的教授? 因为可靠的程度也会不一样哦。 [b]当然,最好还能注明你询问的专业,因为即使是同一所学校,各个院系对GRE/TOEFL的要求也是相差很大的。 [b][b]初步设计一个模板,希望大家看起来方便一些,同时请GRE/TOEFL版版主随时依据最新的帖子更新这个主题帖子,谢谢! [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]--------------------------- [b]题目: [b]作者: [b]发帖时间: [b]信息来源: [b]专业: [b]正文: [b]--------------------------- [b][b][b]红蝎子 [b]2003年6月12日 [b][b]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]robinii的声明: [b]我在这里查到的分数都是admission的底线,并不是国际学生申请奖学金的底线,所以希望大家谨慎对待。一个好一点的分数多多少少会为你的奖学金申请带来些优势。 [b][b][b]另外,如果那位同学询问的是关于奖学金申请的底线,那么请特别注明,谢谢。我将根据您的反馈,将其注明在贴子中。 [b][b][b]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b][b][b]now, let's begin :) [b][b]1, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:左治亚数学系对GRE score的回复 [b]作者:huangjin_suzhou [b]发帖时间:2003-05-17 [b]信息来源:左治亚数学系 [b]专业:数学 [b]正文: [b]We haven't decided the standard.I thinkV>600,W>5.0 will put you at an [b]advantage poision.I recommend you retake the GRE test,our epartment is [b]competitive this year. [b][b]我成绩V560,Q800,AW3.5 [b]--------------------------- [b][b]2, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:【哈佛KSG对GRE分数的回复!】 [b]作者:pkufrog [b]发帖时间:2003-05-31 [b]信息来源: [b]KSG是肯尼迪政府学院,我是向一个MPA项目的咨询地址发的信。 [b]专业: [b]正文:When evaluating an application, the Admissions Committee looks for [b]strength in several areas: [b][b]* Competitive GRE or GMAT quantitative section score. In general, [b]candidates who score in the top 80th percentile and above on the GRE or [b]GMAT quantitative section are most competitive for admission. [b]…… [b][b]回信N长,我看了看和GRE有关的就这么点,和KSG网站上写的差不多……难道他们对verbal轻视到这种地步?对数学那么看重?而且要求还忒低……80%。。faint to death…… [b][b]补充 : [b]KSG是肯尼迪政府学院,我是向一个MPA项目的咨询地址发的信。 [b]--------------------------- [b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b][b]3, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:Uc berkeley CE对GRE分数的REQUIRMENTS [b]作者:robinii [b]发帖时间:2003-06-11 [b]信息来源: [b]专业:CE(土木工程) [b]正文: [b]The minimum graduate admission requirements are: [b][b]a bachelor's degree or recognized equivalent from an accredited [b]institution; [b]enough undergraduate training to do graduate work in your chosen field; [b]a satisfactory scholastic average, with a minimum grade-point average (GPA) [b]of 3.0 (B) and [b]a general Graduate Record Exam (GRE) score (80 - 85 %ile score is desirable [b]but not required). [b]International applicants: A minimum score of 570 (230 CBT) on the Test of [b]English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required to meet the English [b]Language Proficiency requirement. A score of at least 600 (250 CBT) is [b]desirable in Engineering. [b]Please read the Graduate Division webpage on Admission Requirements. If you [b]received or are a candidate to receive a degree from an institution outside [b]the United States, please read the section on International Applicants in [b]Admission Requirements. [b][b]These graduate program webpages list additional requirements or [b]prerequisite courses. [b][b]Environmental: Environmental Engineering Degree Objectives [b]Transportation: Transportation Engineering Degree Requirements [b]--------------------------- [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]4, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:UT-Austin 关于成绩的要求 [b]作者:robinii [b]发帖时间:2003-06-11 [b]信息来源: [b]专业:CE(土木工程) [b]正文: [b]The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required of any [b]student whose native language is not English. A score of 550 or better is [b]recommended. You may still apply if you score less than 550, but if your [b]score is substantially lower than that your chances of admission are slim. [b]The TOEFL requirement may be waived in the following circumstances: A score [b]of 480 or better on the verbal portion of the SAT. A score of 400 or better [b]on the verbal portion of the GRE. Three years of study at a high school in [b]the United states. A bachelor's degree from an accredited U.S.college or [b]university. [b]有关ce的具体要求我已写信询问,相信很快问有答案! [b]--------------------------- [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]5, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:GIT的CE关于tofel 和gre的要求! [b]作者:robinii [b]发帖时间:2003-06-11 [b]信息来源: [b]专业:CE(土木工程) [b]正文: [b]REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION [b]Admission decisions are based on all of the information requested. GPA and [b]GRE scores are critical metrics in the review, and minimum values set by [b]the Institute are followed. [b][b]The Personal Biography statement is your opportunity to clearly establish [b]professional interests and career objectives. Indicate past research and [b]professional experience and address unique aspects of your academic record. [b][b]The letters of rerence represent key sources of information. Be sure to [b]select rerences who know your strengths, interests, and abilities to [b]excel in academic and professional environments. [b][b]Listed below is information on the grade and test scores for those [b]beginning their enrollment in the School of CEE in 2002. The admission [b]standards tend to increase each year. [b][b]Although low grades or test scores may preclude admission, higher grades or [b]scores do not assure an offer of admission, as many additional factors are [b]considered by the faculty when evaluating an application. In general, those [b]offered admission into the Doctoral program have substantially higher grade [b]averages and test scores than those admitted to the Masters program. [b]Financial assistance is usually only offered to the most qualified [b]applicants. [b][b]Grade Point Average (GPA) [b][b]The average undergraduate GPA scores for those beginning their enrollment [b]in the School of CEE in 2002 were: [b][b]Master's students: 3.40 [b][b]Doctoral students: 3.44 [b][b]Overall CEE average: 3.41 [b][b]The minimum GPA for admission is 3.00 (on Georgia Tech's 4-point scale). If [b]the faculty should wish to admit an applicant with a GPA below 3.00, then [b]they may submit a formal request to the School Chair. Only a limited number [b]of exceptions are permitted. CEE is enrolling no new students with an [b]undergraduate GPA below 2.8. [b][b]Graduate Record Exam [b][b]The average GRE scores (General Test) for Verbal (V), Quantitative (Q), and [b]Analytical (A) sections for those their enrollment in the School of CEE in [b]2002 were: [b][b]Master's students: V: 493, Q: 738, A: 677 [b][b]Doctoral students: V: 475, Q: 758, A: 670 [b][b]Overall CEE average: V: 487, Q: 745, A: 674 [b][b]The minimum GRE for admission is a combined total of 1300 on the [b]Quantitative plus Analytical scores (Q+A). The Verbal score is also a [b]factor in the evaluation. Only a limited number of exceptions to the 1300 [b]minimum score can be made for otherwise outstanding students, but CEE is [b]enrolling no new students with a GRE Q+A below 1200. [b][b]The Analytical section of the GRE was changed to an essay test in October [b]2002. The new point scale is 0 to 6. Although the GRE test is still [b]required of all CEE applicants, it is not clear at this time what will be [b]the new minimum point values. [b][b]CEE will continue to accept all test scores reported to us by ETS, [b]regardless of the test date, test site, or testing method (paper or [b]computer). [b][b]Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) [b][b]The average TOEFL scores for international students enrolling in the School [b]of CEE in 2002 were: [b][b]Master's students: 593, Computer-based test: 255 [b][b]Doctoral students: 574, Computer-based test: 247 [b][b]Overall CEE average: 577, Computer-based test: 252 [b][b]The minimum TOEFL for admission is 550. The minimum score on the computer- [b]based TOEFL is 213. These minimums are set by Georgia Tech, and absolutely [b]no exceptions are permitted. [b][b]--------------------------- [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]6, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:UC Berkeley,JOHN HOPKINS 的回复 [b]作者:kaye [b]发帖时间:2003-06-11 [b]信息来源: [b]专业:植物科学 [b]正文: [b]我问他们我的分数,570,800,3.5,我申请植物科学的。回复如下: [b]That is a competitive score but you will need other attributes in your [b]application to get admitted. Letters of Rec are probably more important. [b]Also, providing an outside scholarship or fellowship greatly improves an [b]international students chances. [b][b]但是,JOHN HOPKINS的回复却是:Your as is a bit low. It should be at least a [b]5. [b]不知道他这么说是不是作文要5分啊?我蹶倒~~~~~~~~~~ [b]--------------------------- [b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]7, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:
亚利桑那大学土木专业的要求! [b]作者:robinii [b]发帖时间:2003-06-13 [b]信息来源: [b]专业:CE(土木工程) [b]正文: [b]GPA 3.0 [b]TOEFL 550 (CBT 213) [b]GRE [b]3 letters of recommendation [b]Statement of purpose [b]Unofficial transcript highlighting the most recently completed 60 units of [b]course work [b]Computations showing your GPA for these 60 units on a 4.0 = A basis [b]Financial Aid Available: [b][b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b]--------------------------- [b][b]8, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:American University [b]作者:Gcanada [b]发帖时间:2003-06-14 [b]信息来源: [b]专业: Master's degree program in Computer Science in the College of Arts [b]and Science [b]正文:Thank you for your interest in our Master's degree program in [b]Computer Science in the College of Arts and Science at American University. [b]Our applicants must have a minimum requirement for the GRE( 60% for [b]quantitative, 60% for analytical and 50% for verbal ). Please let me know [b]if you have any questions. [b]--------------------------- [b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b][b][b]9, [b]--------------------------- [b]题目:University of Virginia [b]作者:卡西莫多 [b]发帖时间:2003-06-17 [b]信息来源: [b]专业:Electrical & Computer Engineering [b]正文: [b]Thank you for your interest in the Electrical & Computer Engineering [b]Program at the [b]University of Virginia. The University of Virginia offers three graduate [b]degrees: the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), the Master of Science (M.S.) [b]and the Master of Engineering (M.E.). Applicants seeking admission to [b]the graduate program must hold a Bachelor degree from a recognized [b]college or university. The applicant should have a B average (or [b]equivalent) for admission into the department of Electrical & Computer [b]Engineering. There is no strict minimum for the GRE but a general guideline [b]that we look for is a total of at least 1940 on the three portions. A TOEFL [b]score of no less than 600 is required. [b][b][b](本文属澳际网友原创,转载请务必注明出处和作者。) [b]
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