
2017-03-27 作者: 180阅读

The Do's[b]1. Unite your essay and give it direction with a theme or thesis. The thesis is the main point you want to communicate. [b]2. Bore you begin writing, choose what you want to discuss and the order in which you want to discuss it. [b][b]3. Use concrete examples from your life experience to support your thesis and distinguish yourself from other applicants. [b]4. Write about what interests you, excites you. That's what the admissions staff wants to read. [b]5. Start your essay with an attention-grabbing lead -- an anecdote, quote, question, or engaging description of a scene. [b]6. End your essay with a conclusion that rers back to the lead and restates your thesis. [b]7. Revise your essay at least three times. [b]8. In addition to your editing, ask someone else to critique your statement of purpose for you. [b]9. Proofread your personal statement by reading it out loud or reading it into a tape recorder and playing back the tape. [b]10. Write clearly, succinctly. [b][b]The Don'ts[b]1. Don't include information that doesn't support your thesis. [b]2. Don't start your essay with "I was born in...," or "My parents came from..." [b]3. Don't write an autobiography, itinerary, or resume in prose. [b]4. Don't try to be a clown (but gentle humor is OK). [b]5. Don't be afraid to start over if the essay just isn't working or doesn't answer the essay question. [b]6. Don't try to impress your reader with your vocabulary. [b]7. Don't rely exclusively on your computer to check your spelling. [b]8. Don't provide a collection of generic statements and platitudes. [b]9. Don't give mealy-mouthed, weak excuses for your GPA or test scores. [b]10. Don't make things up.立即咨询
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