
2017-03-23 作者: 384阅读

[b]以下介绍节选自maclean's权威杂志,我心目中的二三流大学;)之后陆续奉上,敬请关注[url= university[/b][b][b]The K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre and Harriet Irving Botanical Gardans is stunning facility....But beyond this gracious room(Harriet Irving Botanical Gardans括号里内容是我添加注解的)lies much else: world-class research labs, climate-controlled greenhouses, a 200,000-specimen herbarium and a cold-storage Maritime seed bank...[b][b][b][b]Brandon university[/b][b][b]Internationally, Brandon is best known for its exceptional music faculty, established in 1905.Students have the benit of an impressive custom-designed music building, complete with a 208-seat recital hall, an organ room, music library and 27 practice studeios, many equipped with Steinway and Baldwin concert grand pianos.[b][b][b][b]Brock university[/b][b][b]Brock's Niagara base has served it well, giving the university a natural focus. Nothing characterizes that more than the unique bachelor's program in oenology and viticulture. Launched in partnership with the area's dynamic grape and wine industry, the program shares its $6.1 million building with Brock's Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute. The state-of-the-art facility boasts some of the most advanced biotechnological research and teaching labs in the country.........Undeniably, throughout the region and beyond, Brock's reputation rests largely on the strength of it's business programs.....The faculty of business also boasts one of the oldest accounting co-op programs in Ontario.....Another major focus is the faculty of applied health sciences, which houses some of Brock's more elite programs. Among them are the bachelor of kinesiology program and the bachelor of sport management honours program. Part of sport management's appeal: third-year students have opportunities to conduct fieldwork and fourth-year students can complete internship placements with various employers, including the Toronto Raptors and the Toronro Maple Leafs.[b][b][b][b]University of Calgary[/b][b][b]Despite its relative youth, the university demonstrates remarkable breadth. It features a well-respected faculty of kinesiology, an architecture program that is considered one of the best in Canada, one of the largest faculties of social work in the country, strong medical and managemnet school, and an engineeing faculty that offers nine programs, form software to geomatics engineering. A unique five-year cross-disciplinary program combines engineering with posible options from each of the university's 14 other faculties. Other strengths include archaeology, space physics, military and strategic studies.........The university's Haskayne School of Business, which offers bachelor's programs in commerce and hotel management, recently launched a new specialization in the M.B.A program: global energy management and sustainable development. In addition, the business school began offering a unique new joint program in collaboration with the faculty of medicine last year: the M.B.A/master of biotechnology degree......The university has also developed a reputation for cutting-egde research, particularly in medicine.[b][b][b][b]Carletoon university[/b][b][b]Science and engineering, as well as programs in the arts, humanities and public affair, are its academic hallmarks.....The school of journalism and communication, considered one of Canada's best, gives students a taste of the real world through apprenticeship with national media and print outlets......The first university in North America to offer an undergraduate program in communications engineering.......Its blue-ribbon undergraduate aerospace engineering program was the first of its kind in Canada........The Arthur Kroeger College of Public Affairs, a flagship institute, helps groom future policy-makers and managers with abachelor's degree in public affairs and policy management.Meanwhile, the elite College of humanities, which offers a fine liberal arts education, attracts high-achieving students from across Canada.[b][b][b][b]University of Windsor[b][/b][b]And finally-often working closely with DaimlerChryler Canada, Ford Canada and GM Canada, which since 1996 have invested more than $500 million in the university's Automotive Research and Development Centre--several corners of campus are making new strides in addressing the issues that face the automotive industry. While the faculty of engineering is central to that pursuit, nuring profs, for example, are getting involved in research on seat belts, child seats and other safety issues; computer science students are helping to design up-to-the-minute components for what Paul aptly calls" the computers on wheels"that roll off local assembly lines; and undergrads in labour studies are examining the treatment of women in auto plants.......It is one of only a handful of universities in Canada with all three schools of arts--drama, music and visual arts.[b][b][b][b]Concordia university[/b][b][b]Particularly renowned is Concordia's fine arts faculty, where students can major in such traditional areas as dance, music, theatre, cinema and studio arts--as well as the cutting-edge fields of multimedia and digital animation.......Concordia's respected communication studies department pineered the country's first undergrad degree in that field.....Another Concordia first was women's studies.....Concordia's respected John Molson School of Business---christened five years ago to mark a $10-million donation from Molson Inc.--provides a full range of options, from part-time to postgraduate offerings.[b][b][b][b]Dalhousie university[b][/b][b]The law school is particularly renowned, having produced a who's who of Canadian lawyers and politicians. Through the faculties of medicine, dentistry and health professions, the university graduates a huge proportion of the health-care practitioners in the region. More than half of the university's externally funded research revenue, now sitting at $93 million a year and growing, is allocated to medical research activity. And with more than 80 per cent of all the research grants and contacts given out in Nova Scotia going to Dal, the university remains the research powerhouse of the Maritimes.[b][b][b][b]University of Guelph[/b][b][b]Known as the birthplace of transgenic pigs and home to the nationally renowned Ontario Veterinary College..[b][b][b][b]Lakehead university[/b][b][b]Many of the programs that have put Lakehead on the map--forestry, outdoor recreation, biology, geography and geology--use the Canadian Shield and the dense boreal forest as their classroom. The faculty of forestry and the forest environment offers the only nationally accredited professional forestry undergraduate degree of its kind in Ontario.[b][b][b][b]Laurentian university[b][/b][b]The acclaimed undergraduate mining engineering and extractive metallurgic engineering programs provide wide-ranging co-op opportunities, while bachelor's programs in the earth sciences and outdoor adventure leadership use an interdiscilpinary approach. Whether monitoring the restocking of fish in one of the five lakes bordering the campus, assessing local rorestation forts or studying metal contaminants in the soil, researche at Laurentian have become leaders in environmental restoration and recovery.........The bachelor of commerce in sports administration, unique in Canada, blends business, physical education and administration courses............Also significant is the university's partnership with the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory, the world's deepest underground laboratory. In 1998, Laurentian became one of 13 universities to partner with the SNO, taking part in a groundbreaking experiment that aims, among other things, to unravel the orgins of the universe.[b][b][b]the university of Lethbridge[/b][b][b]Research includes outstanding work in plant biotechnology, water resources, teacher fectiveness, psychology and , perhaps most significant, neuroscience. The Canadian Centre for Behaviournal Neuroscience, for instance, is home to neuroscientist Bryan Kolb, the school' first Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship winner, who has discovered a way to stimulate the adult brain to generate new nerve cells.[b]立即咨询


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