
2017-03-23 作者: 174阅读

Princeton的录取率为7.28,相比2013的7.29%稍有下降,从26,641申请者中录取了1,939名学生。   Princeton admitted 7.28% of applicants, down slightly from 7.29%in 2013, and accepted 1,939 students out of 26,641 applicants   The University of Pennsylvania   录取率为9.9%,去年12.1%。录取人数3,551,申请人数35,778.   The University of Pennsylvania admitted 9.9% of applicants tothe Class of 2018, down from 12.1% last year. ThePhiladelphia-based university accepted 3,551 of their 35,788applicants。   CornellUniversity,在常青藤大学联盟中录取率最高的康纳尔大学的录取率下降了超过一个百分点,从去年的15.2%下降至14%。   Cornell University, which has the highest admissions rate in theIvy League, dropped over a percentage point this year, with a 14%acceptance rate, taking 6,025 students from 43,041 applications.Cornell accepted 15.2% of applicants last year。   Brown University,录取率从去年的9.2%下降到8.6%。   Brown University accepted 2,619 of 30,291 applicants, or an 8.6%acceptance rate. Last year, the university had a 9.2% acceptancerate。   Yale是最后一个公布他们Class of2018的录取数据,今年的录取率也略微下降至6.26%。   Yale University was the last to release their admissions data,but also posted a lower acceptance rate than last year's 6.72%.Yale admitted 1,935 of 30,932 applicants for a 6.26% acceptancerate。   其他常青藤联盟大学录取率有略微上涨的趋势:   Other Ivies saw their acceptance rate rise from last year。   Dartmouth的录取率从去年的10%提升到今年的11.5%。   Dartmouth College took 11.5% of applicants to the Class of 2018,up from a 10% admissions rate last year. Dartmouth recieved 19,235applications this year, and accepted 2,220 students。   Harvard的录取率涨了0.1%个百分点至5.9%。   Harvard University admitted 5.9% of applicants, up slightly fromlast year's 5.8% admissions rate. Harvard accepted 2,023 of their34,295 applications。   Columbia大学录取率为6.94%。   Columbia University admitted 6.94% of applicants, up from arecord low 6.89% acceptance rate for the Class of 2017. Columbiaaccepted 2,291 of their 32,967 applicants。   其他顶级大学也陆陆续续公布了他们的录取数据。MIT录取了总申请人数的7.7%,Duke录取率为10.7%。   Other top colleges have also released their admissions data. MITtook 7.7% of applications, while Duke University accepted 10.7% ofstudent applicants。   比较有意思的是达特茅斯学院的申请人数近两年一直在下降,该大学今年收到19,235个申请,比去年下降了14%。   Probably the most interesting statistics released are forDartmouth, which has posted consistently lower application numbersover the past two years. Dartmouth recieved 19,235 applicationsthis year, down 14% from the year bore。   以下是各个常青藤大学的申请人数以及录取人数:   Brown University — 30,291 applicants (2,619 accepted)   Columbia University — 32,967 applicants (2,291 accepted)   Cornell University — 43,041 applicants (6,025 accepted)   Dartmouth College — 19,235 applicants (2,220 accepted)   Harvard University — 34,295 applicants (2,023 accepted)   University of Pennsylvania — 35,788 applicants (3,551accepted)   Princeton University — 26,607 applicants (1,939 accepted)   Yale University — 30,922 applicants (1,935 accepted)立即咨询


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