2017-07-30 280阅读
1. 邀请信
2. 护照复印件
3. 签证(卡)复印件
4. 银行账单3个月 (如果你负担相关费用)
5. 学校在读证明信
6. 英国宾馆预订确认信 (如果父母和你们住在一起,需要你房东的一封信确认可以你们住在一起),建议上BOOK.COM上根据时间预订一个可以CANCEL的宾馆,签证拿到以后,取消预定就可以,记得看清楚有些是有CANCEL CHARGE的!!!
1. 工作证明以及请假证明,如果退休,请出示退休证及翻译或者公证
2. 银行存款证明 (至少有15万人民币存款)
3. 银行工资存折及翻译 (退休工资存折及翻译)
4. 房产证明
5. 户口本原件及翻译
6. 护照
7. 相片
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Mr. XXXXXX, Date of Birth: xx/xx/xxxx
I am writing this letter to confirm that above named guest are my parent and I would ask that you accept this letter as my letter of invitation for Mr. xxxx & Ms xxxxx to visit me temporarily in UK for two weeks, ideally start from xx Nov 2014. All expenses relating to this trip will be borne by themselves include the ticket and accommodation.
My residential address in UK is: No.x, Xxxxxx London, N1 2DD
For your information, I have included the following information about my guests:
GUESTS 1: Name: Mr. XXX, Passport Number: XXXXXXXX
GUESTS 2: Name: Mrs. XXX, Passport Number: XXXXXXXX
In the event that you require further information about me and/or my invitation, please feel free to contact me at my aforementioned address.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider my letter of invitation.
Sunderland, SXXX
Email: xxxxxxx@xxxx.com
Landlord Concern
Re: Accommodation arrangement at XXXXXXXX, London, N1….XX
For the attention of the Home Office
I agree that this letter may be shown to the Home Office. I will confirm the contents of this letter at the request of the Agency.
I [Mr. xxxx] am the landlord of above detailed property, which is a Four Beds room house where Mr. xxxxx occupied one of the double rooms since XXXX XXXX.
In regards to the accommodation arrangement of Mr xxxx and Ms xxxx (date of birth: XX/XX/XXXX), I formally granted Mr. xxxxx’s request of share his spare two beds room to his parent – Mr. xxxx and Ms xxxx in my property (XXXXXXXX, London, N1….XX) for x weeks start from xxx Nov 2014.
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information regards to this letter.
Your faithfully
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