2017-07-30 246阅读
Law Personal statement
My work experience has been key to my choice to study Law. This in combination with my A-Levels, has allowed me to develop academic rigour with a strong spirit of enquiry and advocacy. I have worked with different types of legal professionals and dealt with important institutions during my gap year. Contemporary Law requires problem solving as part of a team to produce an fective justice system, and will provide me with the opportunities that I am seeking.
I have explored various Legal professions by shadowing professionals and working within a Legal environment. I will further enhance my experience by shadowing the resident Judge of Lewes Crown Court in January. I regularly attend County and Magistrate Courts, providing me with valuable insights into legal career options and the workings of a busy town Court. I was particularly interested by the wide range of organisations and individuals involved in the implementation of the legal system and was inspired by the breadth of possibilities for those interested in a legal career. I gained awareness of the variability of Legal provision whilst shadowing Solicitors, Barristers and Magistrates. I am aware that the nature of Legal work in a small town will differ greatly from that in cities and am intrigued to see that difference for myself. I hope that my upcoming time with a Judge may begin to provide me with such an insight. However, I have not only investigated the practical side of Law but also the theoretical. I am currently reading through various supporting texts, and have sat in on some lectures, enhancing my interest in the subject.
I am currently a member of Millennium Volunteers and Amnesty International. I have also applied to volunteer with the Witness Support Charity. I feel strongly about the rights and welfare of people, particularly those of people who struggle to make their own voices heard. Whilst the majority of my volunteer work has arisen since my turning 18, the reasoning behind my volunteering has long been with me. The difficulties in providing a safe and fective Justice system which overcomes societal barriers are compounded by the realities of dealing with a large institution like the Magistracy.
During my A-levels I studied a range of subjects across the arts-science divide. I was determined not to pigeon-hole myself within a single mode of thinking. The different problem-solving responses required by these subjects are fascinating, and I feel that the ability to synthesise some of these could be of great benit. I have really enjoyed studying such varied topics, and I hope to bring this breadth of experience to my legal studies.
I have suffered from Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis since the age of 13. I have maintained as normal a life as possible, but it has had implications. Whilst I have still achieved very respectable grades, I was disappointed by my GCSE and A-Level results not being evidence of my potential. I feel this to have been a direct result of my illness and its ramifications. I hope that University will open a new chapter with regards to my health, with new treatments being more and more sophisticated. I deeply wish to be given the opportunity to reach my potential in the future.
At school I sung for the school choir and participated in sports teams until my health required me to stop, helped with duties in my house, including looking out for younger students and contributed to some of the school articles. The pastoral aspect of school was important to me, and at University I hope to become engaged with that further. I have been involved in the school debating team, represented my school in the local Model U.N. General Assembly and am a member of NAGTY. Public speaking is a challenge that I find both exciting and terrifying, and one that I am certainly interested in tackling further. My previous experiences led to my choice to study Law and I am hoping to have the opportunity to take advantage of them in the future.
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