2017-07-30 245阅读
Business and Management Personal Statement
Have you ever climbed a mountain 1474 meters high? By your own limbs without any help from any vehicle? Well, this was one of the most unforgettable and valuable experiences I have ever had, and I will cherish it all my life. Of course, I&aposm not a professional mountain-climber, nor even particularly good at mountaineering, but I&aposm an energetic person who enjoys meeting challenges. I still remember, standing at the top of that mountain, appreciating the breathtaking view around me, I came to realize that climbing a mountain is hard work, but one step after another finally brings a person to the top. I have adopted this experience into my method of studying---continuing and determined steps, which steadily and assuredly, improve my knowledge and skills
When I entered the college, my father told me that competition is getting more and more fierce, and the best way to stay ahead is to be learning all the time. In Jiangxi Normal University, I majored in Business English and studied hard on my major courses. During those four years, I learned English, International Finance, International Marketing, Essentials of Import and Export Practice, and I made full use of my spare time by reading English novels and attending lectures on various business-related subjects. I always did well in my academic studies and won scholarships every semester. In TEM4, a national test for English-major students, I ranked fifth in my department of 230 students in 2001
During my campus life, I didn&apost just focus on my academic work. I took part in many extracurricular activities and contests to broaden my knowledge and improve my social skills. I was the Third Prize Winner in the English Newspaper Designing Contest and the Third Prize Winner in the Singing Contest. Meanwhile, as a member of my Class Committee responsible for organizing class activities, I acquired some essential social skills of leadership and management
Knowledge is a treasure but practice is the key, so I spent my summer and winter vacations doing sales promotions, which offered a chance to demonstrate my abilities and to apply what I had learned in school
Through negotiation with clients, I also made a lot of progress in interpersonal communication skills
As the saying goes, "real ongoing, lifelong education doesn&apost answer questions; it provokes them." I think this is quite true. After my four-year study in university, I find that my knowledge is not sufficient for business, and it will be necessary for me to undertake a more advanced business program. With China hosting the 2008 Olympics, I believe there will be more and more business opportunities springing up. To get myself well prepared for those opportunities, I have made up my mind to study in another country to gain more advanced knowledge
The Lancaster University is a very well regarded British university
Its International Business course is recognized worldwide. I am confident that I will be successful in my academic studies, and that, when I return home, I can put my talent to good use for the benit of China. I would really like to study in your university and hope that you will approve my application.
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