2017-07-30 308阅读
Accounting Personal Statement
I am an ambitious, creative and enthusiastic individual. Since childhood I have enjoyed maths, as it is challenging and consists mostly of problem solving. Therore, wanting to further my career in accounting. I am a sociable individual who gets on well with others. I am computer literate; therore I am familiar with software&aposs such as Excel and publisher, and I believe that this skill will help with my progress in accounting. I work well on my own and within a group, which makes me an ideal candidate for an accounting degree
During my years at school not only have I gained nine GCSE&aposs at grade C&aposs or above including a grade B in Maths, but I have also taken part in many sporting events. I have achieved three medals of which one is gold in Athletics and two silver in Basketball and Rounders. I have also accomplished a compact certificate representing my 100% punctuality and attendance and emphasising my enthusiasm in my work and education. I was also a prect, this symbolizes that I am a reliable individual with great potential
I have had a wide range of work experience in many fields such as teaching, pharmacy and as a sales representative, which has helped me develop my communication skills. I am also enrolling on a part-time, three-month managers course with McDonalds to widen my work experience. This course will include Health and Safety, time management and dealing with costumer complaints. During my experiences I have realised that accounting is the field of work I wish to proceed in this is because of previous work placements which I have enjoyed but not to the extent that I would with accounting.
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