
2017-07-30 作者: 217阅读


  Medicine personal statement

  Ever since I accidentally burnt holes in my pyjamas after experimenting with a chemistry set on my 8th Birthday, I have always had a passion for science. Following several hospital visits during my teenage years to explore my interest, the idea of a career that would exploit my humanity and problem-solving abilities always made medicine a natural choice. So why did I choose computer science? By exploring a secondary interest in IT, I sought to allow myself the time to carully consider my motivations for following such a challenging career. Medicine has never been absent from my thoughts, and this combined with a lack of personal fulfilment as a web developer has continually amplified my desire to become a doctor. I take great pleasure in people and their diversity, and by combining my love of science with the interpersonal rewards gained from interacting with them, I hope to fulfil this ambition.

  To affirm my decision, I have recently spent time observing a consultant vascular surgeon and his team throughout the full cycle of patient care. I enjoyed talking to patients about their illness and observed several procedures including a carotid endarterectomy and bypass operation. The insight into human anatomy was fascinating and found that I dinitely have the stomach for my chosen vocation! More importantly though, the opportunity provided me with a valuable perspective on hospital life; it was unglamorous, sometimes heart-wrenching, but confirmed beyond any doubt that this is where my future lies. In addition, I have spent every Thursday evening since April in the wards of a Hospice in Clapham. By talking to the elderly, helping them to eat and drink and even placing bets on their behalf at the bookmakers, I have been able to appreciate the importance of palliative care. For practical experience I have attended a first aid course run by the British Red Cross.

  My employment history provides me with a wealth of experience to offer to the medical profession. For example, my strong communication skills have been continually demonstrated through presentations in front of up to 150 people, as well as strong leadership qualities in order to deliver time-critical projects. During my tenure at PGL Holidays I gained great satisfaction from my involvement in the organisation of evening activities for children, having a direct impact on their enjoyment. Maintaining a balance between this and their personal safety was always one of the more challenging (yet rewarding) aspects of the job.

  Besides my work and passion for science, reading and music are important to me, as is sport. Rock climbing twice weekly helps build a sense of camaraderie between my friends and I, while squash, badminton and golf add a competitive element. After university I spent a winter snowboarding in Canada and gave produce advice to people from all over the world. Myself and some friends then embarked on a journey that saw us witness a bewildering array of sights from across the Canadian countryside. In addition, I have spent three years participating in the Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh&aposs Award. A challenging expedition to the Outer Hebrides highlighted that with enough determination, teamwork can achieve anything.

  Where humanity, patience and integrity are all vital to successful patient care, so I believe is a sense of humour (where appropriate). These attributes along with a level-headed and unprejudiced outlook on life, I hope makes me an ideal candidate. I am acutely aware of the physical and emotional challenges medicine involves, yet this has only affirmed my resolve to make the career transition to medicine. My stamina, energy and commitment will equip me for a life of learning, but by applying my scientific knowledge and curiosity with compassion and empathy, I hope to become a valuable member of a profession to which I truly aspire.


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