
2017-07-30 作者: 230阅读


  Business and Sport Personal Statement

  After thoroughly enjoying academic life during six form, I have decided to further my education at university. I currently have two main career interests and want to keep my options open at this stage while I consider my final decision

  My interest in sports stems from an early age. I have always been an active person and have played for a number of semi professional football teams. Whilst doing my A&apos levels I particular enjoyed the practical and theoretical sides of physical education. This has certainly influenced me in the choice of degree I want to take. I have also pass the CSLA course which involved me teaching to a group of children. I feel this has improved my communication skills and organisation skills

  And will help me throughout union whilst studying for my degree

  My other key interest is in I.T. Although both courses are very different I feel that the potential to work with computers in a business environment is very appealing. A&apos level I.C.T has prepared me for fective management as I have become aware of how computerised systems have allowed businesses to become more ficient. I have also learned about various software products which can be used to improve presentation which has widened my knowledge in this subject. I have attended Wolverhampton and Aston universities. These visits have enabled me to research independently my choice of course and helped me to confirm my decision to apply

  Throughout my A/S and A level studies I have become more adapt at using my analytical skills. The subjects which I have been studying have given me the confidence to work independently and as part of a team, which I believe are important qualities required for either career direction. I have played an active role in school life, for example I have participated in various charity fund raising events, sponsored silences and football tournaments. Also for a short period of time I have been one of the perfects for the school helping with any problems when needed. I&aposm also involved in a number of outside school activities: I play for a football and badminton doubles team where I am the captain for both this shows I have good communication skills and shows I&aposm a responsible person. I attend the gym once a week; this helps to maintain my high fitness levels required for playing for my football team

  Throughout my teens I have had experience of working in a business environment where I held the position of being deputy team leader where I had the task of dealing with customer problems, help employ people to the company and helping people to settle in to company and work to the best of their ability

  I am a person of great confidence and with a good level of communication and determination. I hope will be offered the opportunity to bring my knowledge and personal skills to a suitable degree course. I not only hope that my experience at university will increase my knowledge of the area I will be studying, but also that during my time there I will be able to continue and develop many of the personal and social hobbies and activities that I already enjoy.


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