
2017-07-30 作者: 237阅读


  Medicine Personal Statement

  I have always aspired to work in a field which requires a great deal of drive, determination, care and compassion. It was inevitable that I would strive towards a career in medicine when first introduced to the astounding world of science. I became enticed by the workings of the world and was especially fascinated by the sheer complexity of the human body, and the diversity of the systems and functions working constantly inside of us to maintain and sustain life. An ever enquiring mind and genuine enthusiasm inspired me to study the sciences in more depth at A-Level, where my real devotion to a career in the ever-changing and greatly rewarding field of medicine flourished.

  I developed a keen interest in the body&aposs response to illness and disease during my AS-Level biology course. Independent research into pathology became evermore poignant when the focus of media coverage outlined the deterioration of our nation&aposs health in terms of escalating instances of diabetes and heart disease arising from, for example, childhood obesity. The realisation of the magnitude of ill-health which surrounded me encouraged me to strive to make my ambition of becoming a doctor a reality.

  At 15 years of age, I was disappointed to learn that I was too young to gain work experience within a hospital environment. Turning a negative into a positive, I accepted the opportunity to carry out my experience at a Veterinary Hospital and feel that from this I have gained indispensable interpersonal skills, practical knowledge of clinical procedures and a logical approach to working practice. Working as part of a multidisciplinary team enhanced greatly my ability to communicate with both staff and clients alike, and observing the daunting task of giving bad news developed my ability to empathise with others.

  March 2007 saw my attendance at a PARTNERS student shadowing event at the University of Newcastle, where I attended a medical lecture and spoke with current medical students about their experiences of university life. This, and an overnight stay at Oxford University with many like-minded students, reinforced my aspiration to study medicine and made me aware of the need to possess the utmost determination and stamina to succeed.

  I attended a PreMed course in September 2007 at Imperial College, London. Practical workshops offered the opportunity of wound suturing and interpreting X-rays; lectures offered a sound picture of all that medical school and a career in the medical profession entails. A non-biased account was given of the inevitable social sacrifices required to succeed in the medical profession, and the continual academic commitment required, both pre and post graduate, to accommodate the ever developing medical advances. The need to integrate recreational and professional time management to maintain a balanced lifestyle was greatly emphasised throughout the course. My love for running shall therore remain with me through the demanding yet supremely gratifying challenge of both medical school and the medical profession thereafter.

  For the past 3 years I have been and active member of St Vincent de Paul&aposs Society; a voluntary organisation whose aim is to offer help and support to people in the local community. Focusing upon elderly care, I visit a local nursing home on a weekly basis. My confidence has spiralled as my attachment to the residents has deepened, and I feel I have gained as much pleasure from offering a friendly face, as they have from receiving one. Interaction on a one-to-one basis shows the evident importance of a holistic approach to care, which is the ethos of the nursing home.

  A career in medicine where life-long learning co-exists with the opportunity to rise to new challenges is a deeply exciting prospect. Invaluable skills and attributes gained in my preparations for university have affirmed my conviction that a career in the medical field would be a most challenging, yet rewarding vocation for me to pursue.


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