
2017-07-30 作者: 177阅读


  English Literature Personal Statement

  Although I have always been a reader, I really began to explore literature in the sixth form.This deeper interest was sparked by Wilde&aposs &aposSalome' I found it provoked senses and feelings previously unknown. This led me to Decadent and Symbolist works such as Huysmans&apos &aposA Rebours&apos,Poe, Baudelaire and Gautier, and the art of Moreau, Redon and Kier. Q&aposs &aposOn the Art of Writing&apos helped me to write in a clearer style, and his conviction that literature should be studied as an end in itself gave me a strong urge to read English, rather than Maths or Physics. It has come to the stage now where I could not imagine a different course; it is English that excites me and ignites my curiosity and passion.

  Having won an Assisted Place at Truro School, I became particularly involved in music, drama and writing. Drama has long been important to me; I have acted in plays of all kinds, and had the lead role in Durrenmatt&aposs &aposThe Visit&apos last year. I took grades in the LAMDA system,culminating in two Gold Medals with Distinction. I have been writing a verse play of Cinderella, emphasising the Chinese and Egyptian elements in the story. I contributed to school magazines, including articles on &aposDecadence&apos and &aposThe Ideal Woman&apos (from the Venus of Berekhat-Ram to Eliot&aposs &aposLa Figlia che Piange&apos). In my last term I was awarded the Sixth Form Prizes for English and Poetry. Music is important too: I sang in the Senior Choir, performed in and ran the annual Charity Concert, and was the singer-songwriter in a rock band: &aposThe Red Shoes&apos. My interest in music has developed lately, again prompted by &aposSalome&apos. Preparing to play Herod, I was encouraged to listen to Satie&aposs &aposGnossiennes&apos to give me a sense of that depraved, exotic atmosphere, and this led me to a new world that included Debussy, Webern, Messiaen, Tallis and Bach. Last year I read &aposMoby Dick&apos. I found it so inspirational, so enormous, and as DH Lawrence said of &apossuch considerable tiresomeness&apos that I dropped my coursework on WW1 poetry and gained permission to write it on &aposMoby Dick&apos instead. I am now reading Urquhart&aposs translation of Rabelais&apos &aposGargantua&apos, which I came to circuitously. We studied Angela Carter&aposs &aposWise Children&apos in class, and the words &aposcarnivalesque&apos and &aposgrotesque&apos were bandied about so much that I looked up their literary dinitions and found Bakhtin&aposs criticism of Rabelais. I learnt that Melville was deeply influenced by Rabelais, and I was surprised to find how funny (and foul) a very long dead French writer could be. I have become fond of Eliot, having read &aposPrufrock&apos, &aposFour Quartets&apos and &aposThe Wasteland' this led me in opposite directions: to Ted Hughes and John Donne. Hughes&apos &aposCrow&apos fascinates me, with its depiction of fate as inherently linked to nature and the course of the world, and life to violence.

  I have just read Shelley&aposs &aposLaon and Cythna' at first I found his portrayal of non-violent revolution almost ridiculous but later came to regard it less sceptically. This summer I also enjoyed Hemingway&aposs &aposOld Man and the Sea&apos, Joyce&aposs &aposPortrait of the Artist&apos and Woolf&aposs &aposThe Waves&apos. Having read Sophocles&apos Theban plays, Plato&aposs &aposSymposium&apos and the chapters on Ancient Greece in &aposA History of Western Philosophy&apos, I want to learn Greek, but this year I shall be working in Paris to learn French in the hope of enjoying some untranslated French literature.

  I also plan to read translations of Homer and Euripides, a study of British folklore (including the Fisher King, which should help my understanding of Eliot), Bowra on the Palaeolithic roots of literature, some medieval Cornish poems and more Joyce, who has piqued my interest.

  My reasons for wanting to read English at university are that I want to gain the skills to unravel and enjoy, at all levels, the many works of literature, to bring structure and clarity to my own reasoning, to begin to comprehend the greatness of the great writers and, ultimately, to hope that my life will in some way be enriched by theirs.


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