
2017-07-30 作者: 263阅读


  To Whom It May Concern,

  I am very happy to recommend a fine student, Ms. Wen-Hao Lin to your esteemed Master of Business Administration program. During her four years at the National Taiwan University, she attended my classes in Marketing and Consumer behavior.

  Over the years, I have had the pleasure to meet and teach many students, as I am professor at both National Taiwan University and National Chengchi University, two fine universities in Taiwan. Ms. Wen-Hao Lin has remained one of my favorite students. As a result, when I ran into her requesting for transcript at school, I volunteered to write her recommendation letter. Although Ms. Wen-Hao Lin graduated several years ago, she has remained a well-known person at the Department of Business Administration at the National Taiwan University. Ms. Wen-Hao Lin is remembered in my class as her project on the marketing strategy of Converse and Travel Fox is used as an example for my students. Moreover, Ms. Wen-Hao Lin initiated a project to allow all male students, including the ones who had not completed military duty as required by Taiwanese government, the right to leave Taiwan on short-term study tour visit when she was a member of AIESEC. Her contribution has affected many students&apos lives.

  I have always known Ms. Wen-Hao Lin would excel in whatever she chooses to do. As a student, she was very mature, motivated and driven. She was an excellent student and an over-achiever. She was one of those rare students who are a pleasure to teach. Ms. Wen-Hao Lin is gifted with outstanding analytical and quantitative ability. She has the ability to grasp concepts taught to her and develop her own viewpoints, something I seldom see in Taiwanese students. I believe some of her initiative and her strong beli in her own ability to accomplish anything is due to her diverse childhood background.

  Based on Ms. Wen-Hao Lin &aposs performance in school and at work, I believe she will be a highly successful student at your school. I support her application for admission without reservation, and would appreciate any assistance you can offer her.


  Professor Chen-hu Huang

  Department of Business Administration

  National Taiwan University






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