2017-07-29 328阅读
申请英国的学校,其中一个需要准备的材料就是个人简历CV,CV及Curriculum Vitae的缩写,在拉丁语中的意思就是个人简历,下面就是结构比较合理的个人简历CV的模板。
City and State:
Phone number:
E-mail address:
○First school name and address:
When did you study there?
○Second school name and address:
When did you study there?
○Second school name and address:
When did you study there?
○Company and when you worked there:
What did you do?
○Company and when you worked there:
What did you do?
○Company and when you worked there:
What did you do?
How do you know this person (boss, friend, etc.)
Phone number
How do you know this person (boss, friend, etc.)
Phone number
How do you know this person (boss, friend, etc.)
Phone number
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