2017-07-29 702阅读
Engineering Personal Statement
In the 21st century engineering plays a more vital role in our lives than ever bore. As I look around myself I observe numerous devices that were designed and constructed by engineers. This fills me with a desire to be a part of this great prolific system of creativity and ingenuity.
There are many factors that have promoted my choice of pursuing a career in engineering. Since my childhood I have been fascinated by the mechanism by which devices function. I recall often opening numerous devices to observe the contraptions that lay within. My fascination has not waned over the years; instead it has been nurtured by the environment that I inhabit. My father is a computer engineer and many of my uncles have occupations in the field of engineering. Living in the residential camp of a multinational oil company has provided me with ample opportunities to converse with renowned engineers. Through my observations I have noticed that engineers are dedicated individuals that work towards making the world a better place for the rest of us.
At my high school I joined the Physicists’ Society and the Applied Mathematics Society. It was through this experience that I discovered my profound interest in Physics and the application of Mathematics to real world scenarios. To complement this I had a wonderful Physics teacher that enriched my learning experience. Both my physics teacher and my guidance counsellor encouraged me to pursue a degree in engineering as they believed that I had the necessary skills. It was then that I decided that I would certainly enter the field of engineering.
With this decision in mind I began reading numerous scientific journals such as New Scientist, Scientific American and National Geographic to keep abreast of any advancement in the field of engineering. I also took a more profound interest in Physics experiments and found that I particularly enjoyed experiments involving circuits. I attended two Engineering Education Programs offered by Saudi Aramco that helped me understand more about my prospective career. I worked assiduously and achieved numerous awards such as the Physicist of the Year Award, Advanced Mathematics Achievement Award and the Business Studies Merit Award. I was also the Valedictorian for Grades 9 and 10.
To complement my academic life I have participated actively in extracurricular activities both outside the school and inside it. I founded the Students’ Association and currently operate it as the Secretary-General. As the Secretary-General I organised two science fairs, held numerous debates and initiated a Model United Nations. I addressed numerous speeches to the school and actively participated in debates at the Model UN. I feel that these activities have rined my communication skills. I also learnt how to organise and coordinate events successfully.
I participated in a variety of sports and played on both the school’s soccer and cricket team. These sports have shown me the importance of teamwork and allow me to participate prolifically in a team. I hope that my captaincy of the school cricket team and my role in the Students’ Association have developed the leadership skills that I will require at university and later in my career.
Along with my interest in reading scientific journals I find reading fiction to be a gratifying experience. I read fiction from various genres, ranging from the works of Charles Dickens to the science fiction of Michael Crichton. I find that reading allows me to utilise my imagination. I also enjoy writing creatively, bicycling and designing machinery.
Although I am applying as an international student I often visit the United Kingdom and believe that I will be able to adapt to life there. As I am taking the most rigorous course that my school offers I feel confident that I will be able to cope with the assiduous work required at university.
As an engineer I would like to be at the forront of engineering research, advancing the integration of the concepts of physics, chemistry and biology resulting in an amelioration of our daily lives.
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