
2017-07-29 作者: 213阅读


  史上最牛申请丛书免费呈现,为你罗列师哥师姐的申请经历!为你总结名校申请经验!更有名师为你解开申请密码,OFFER在向你招手! 名校大门为你敞开!→ 《谁说申请高手没有秘密》。列举签证的每个步骤与流程;细数签证的各种材料与要求;解答签证的常见问题与疑问,这是一本神奇的签证工具书→ 《玩转留学签证》。


  Dear Visa Officer,

  I am currently applying for a study permit to go to Canada. I received my CAQ on Sept.2nd and have handed in my application on Sept. 4th.

  Because I have changed my program from winter term to fall term starting from Sept.8th, and Sept.21st is the registration deadline. If I can not get to Montreal bore that time, I will have to change my program back to winter and wait for 4 more months. Kindly would you please tell me my current application status? Is there any possilbility to speed it up so that I will not miss the registration date?

  My personal information are as below, and I have attached photo copies of my newest admission letter.

  Name:XXX Passport No.:XXX

  Birthday:XXX Cell phone:XXX

  Thank you so much and regards!

相关资料:加拿大留学签证资金证明材料解析 加拿大留学签证材料之续签


  Dear visa officer:

  I am prof. XXX from University of XXX, and Miss XXX from China has been admitted to my group as a XXX student.Her file has been established in Beijing Canadian embassy on Dec 16th, and her status remains 14 in the past few days. As the beginning of the new semester approaches and my group requires her early arrival and to do experiments for her future studies, could you please give kind consideration of facilitating her visa application? And please do not hesitate to contact my student XXX if you have any further requests.

  Her name:XXX

  File number:XXX

  Birth date:XXX

  Her E-mail: XXX

  Your kind consideration would be much appreciated!





  史上最牛申请丛书免费呈现,为你罗列师哥师姐的申请经历!为你总结名校申请经验!更有名师为你解开申请密码,OFFER在向你招手! 名校大门为你敞开!→ 《谁说申请高手没有秘密》。列举签证的每个步骤与流程;细数签证的各种材料与要求;解答签证的常见问题与疑问,这是一本神奇的签证工具书→ 《玩转留学签证》。


  Dear Visa Officer,

  I am currently applying for a study permit to go to Canada. I received my CAQ on Sept.2nd and have handed in my application on Sept. 4th.

  Because I have changed my program from winter term to fall term starting from Sept.8th, and Sept.21st is the registration deadline. If I can not get to Montreal bore that time, I will have to change my program back to winter and wait for 4 more months. Kindly would you please tell me my current application status? Is there any possilbility to speed it up so that I will not miss the registration date?

  My personal information are as below, and I have attached photo copies of my newest admission letter.

  Name:XXX Passport No.:XXX

  Birthday:XXX Cell phone:XXX

  Thank you so much and regards!

相关资料:加拿大留学签证资金证明材料解析 加拿大留学签证材料之续签 上12下




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    工作认真细心负责,与客户交流沟通耐心温和。 几年留学行业的工作经验,使我申请涉及的专业领域更加广泛,目前已经涉及专业的申请领域囊括了金融、会计、市场营销、经济、国际贸易、设计、生物、生物工程、计算机工程、工业工程、MBA、通讯工程、艺术等近25个专业,同时创下学校申请百分百录取的好成绩。工作期间,已成功为学生申请到。擅长申请高中,本科及转学,研究生等各类学生。

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