
2017-07-27 作者: 374阅读


  American community colleges offer international students a cheaper entry point into their higher education pursuits via low tuition rates on freshman and sophomore level classes, often with the added bonus of an easier transition to U.S.-style academics, experts say. Students then transfer to four-year schools to complete their bachelor's degree.


  For instance, the tuition and fees at Diablo Valley College in Northern California are nearly $6,000 for 24 credits, while it costs more than $16,500 for the same number of credits at nearby San Jose State University. Based on two years of attending community college, the price difference and savings could be enough to pay for a student's junior year of tuition, fees, textbooks, and meals.


  Using those saved funds, students have a variety of college choices to choose from for the latter two years. Washington's Green River Community College, for instance, will attract around 100 four-year schools from around the country for a college fair later this month, including Johns Hopkins University,Ohio State University, and Arizona State University, says Ross Jennings, Green River's associate vice president of international programs.


  Nineteen four-year universities offer guaranteed admission to Green River Community College students, as long they meet requirements such as grade point averages ranging from 2.0 to 3.5 and complete a specified number of credits, Jennings says. Similarly, Diablo Valley College has guaranteed admissions agreements with most University of California schools, according to Gloria Zarabozo, international students admission and services director.

  19所四年制的美国大学为绿河社区大学的学生提供了入学保证,只要他们能达到平均分从2.0到3.5的要求,并且完整一定数量的学分。同样戴尔波谷社区学院也提供了很多卡罗莱纳州大学的入学保障,留学生招生服务的主任Gloria Zarabozo说道。

  Proving academic performance helps students who didn't have high enough high school grades or college admissions test scores to get accepted into their dream college, Jennings says. He estimates that 90 percent of international students he recruits are attending Green River Community College to ultimately transfer to a more prestigious university, as dined by the students.


  Choosing courses is also a crucial part of adjusting to U.S. college life. International students often do not get to select individual classes while in high school, Jennings notes, and may stick with the same group of students throughout high school.



  美国留学申请名校相对固定的招生名额也让申请的门槛越来越高,相应成功的机率也越来越低。2007-2013年度的申请结果显示,越来越多的SAT 2000+的高分得主与名校擦肩而过。2014年美国本科申请将益发上演空前激烈的竞争,澳际留学以全球视野的专业水平,全力以赴的敬业态度,无限扩大您成功的可能。通向美国大学的大门您触手可得:www.aoji.cn


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