
2017-07-26 作者: 387阅读


  Dear Tina,

  Mom here. I understand your worry about not being able to communicate with people. Dad and I are very patient and understanding of this. I will not lie to you, to begin with it may be difficult. I am sure part of the reason for you coming to the United States is to improve your English. Let us help you do that. As far as communicating at school, there to the students have been around exchange students and know the problem of communication. They will also help you. One thing you need to make sure though is to ask again if you do not understand. Many of our phrasing will be a big problem to start with, but almost all things can be said in another way such that you may understand.

  Yes, the computers are in English. I know there is a way to change the keyboard to type in other languages. Not sure how to do it but maybe it is time for me to learn.

  School starts August 29. You will be in classes from 8:00 till 3:00 every school day. Classes are about 49 minutes long. Each day you will have the same 7 classes. You will not have a uniform for school, the girls usually wear jeans. The dress is very casual. If you take a sport, you will practice in shorts (but not short shorts), here again no uniform. For games though the school does provide a uniform for each person to be worn for games only.

  Please ask any questions you may have. I will do my best to answer them. I have a question for you. What type of bedding are you used to there in China. I ask this because students in the past have not been comfortable with our type of bedding covers. I would like to make things as comfortable as possible and one is for me to make it comfortable for you to sleep. We have sheets and covers separate. Many countries in Europe have a bottom sheet and the blankets are inside the top sheet. What is common for China.

  That is it for this time. Take care and we will be seeing you soon now.




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