
2017-07-26 作者: 482阅读


World Literature 世界文学名著

Bronte, Charlotte

Jane Eyre 《简爱》

An intelligent and passionate governess falls in love with a strange, moody man tormented by dark secrets.

Bronte, Emily

Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》

One of the masterpieces of English romanticism, this is a novel of Heathcliff and Catherine, love and revenge.

Camus, Albert

The Stranger 《异乡人》

A man who is virtually unknown to both himself and others commits a pointless murder for which he has no explanation.

Cervantes, Miguel de

Don Quixote 《堂吉诃德》

An eccentric old gentleman sets out as a knight "tilting at windmills" to right the wrongs of the world.

Conrad, Joseph

Heart of Darkness 《黑暗之心》

The novels narrator journeys into the Congo where he discovers the extent to which greed can corrupt a good man.

Dickens, Charles

Great Expectations 《远大前程》

The moving story of the rise, fall, and rise again of a humbly-born young orphan.

Dostoevski, Feodor

Crime and Punishment 《罪与罚》

A psychological novel about a poor student who murders an old woman pawnbroker and her sister.

Eliot, George

The Mill on the Floss 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》

Maggie is miserable because her brother disapproves of her choices of romances.

Esquivel, Laura

Like Water for Chocolate 《巧克力情人》

As the youngest of three daughters in a turn-of-the-century Mexican family, Tita may not marry but must remain at home to care for her mother.

Forster, E.M.

A Passage to India 《印度之旅》

A young English woman in British-ruled India accuses an Indian doctor of sexual assault.

Gogol, Nikolai

The Overcoat 《外套》

Russian tales of good and evil.

Golding, William

Lord of the Flies 《苍蝇王》

English schoolboys marooned on an uninhabited island test the values of civilization when they attempt to set up a society of their own.

Huxley, Aldous

Brave New World 《美丽新世界》

A bitter satire of the future, in which the world is controlled by advances in science and social changes.

Joyce, James

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 《一个青年艺术家的肖像》

A novel about a young man growing up in Ireland and rebelling against family, country, and religion.

Kafka, Franz

The Trial 《审判》

A man is tried for a crime he knows nothing about, yet for which he feels guilt.

Lawrence, D.H.

Sons and Lovers 《儿子和情人》

An autobiographical novel about a youth torn between a dominant working-class father and a possessive genteel mother.

Pasternak, Boris

Doctor Zhivago 《日瓦戈医生》

An epic novel of Russia bore and after the Bolshevik revolution.

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksander

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich 《伊万.德尼索维奇的一天》

Ivan Denisovich Shukhov endures one more day in a Siberian prison camp and finds joy in survival.

Tolstoy, Leo

Anna Karenina 《安娜.卡列尼娜》

Anna forsakes her husband for the dashing Count Vronsky and bri happiness.

Weisel, Elie

Night 《夜》

A searing account of the Holocaust as experienced by a 15-year-old boy.

Wells, H.G.

The Time Machine 《时间机器》

A scientist invents a machine that transports him into the future.






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