2017-07-26 390阅读
美国私立寄宿高中在留学的时候是大家所关注的主要学校,索尔兹伯里中学是美国马里兰州 的一所私立寄宿高中,一部分申请美国私立寄宿高中留学的人会对此学校感兴趣,下面本文对该学校的基本内容做了介绍。
The Salisbury School 索尔兹伯里中学学校官网:www.aoji.cn |
所属国家:美国 | 所在州省:马里兰州 | 建校时间:1970 |
学校性质:私立 | 学生人群:男女合校 | 住宿方式:寄宿 |
学生人数:415 | 师生比例:1:8 | 开设年级:K-12年级 |
宗教信仰:无 | SAT平均分:无数据 | 托福要求:是 |
独特的办学理念:The Salisbury School nurtures and develops each student’s intellectual potential without imposing a mindless regimen or spiritless conformity. The buildings rlect the school’s mission, teaching philosophy, and core values. The exterior architecture is distinctive and unique—rlecting The Salisbury School’s proud thirty-nine year tradition. Large classrooms are designed for maximum classroom focus and openness. The Salisbury School attracts confident, highly competent, deeply committed faculty.
学校亮点/特色: Beginning in middle school, every teacher’s daily lesson plans are on the school website, and with a secure pass code, families track their children’s academic progress. Few American schools provide parents and students such a high level of academic accountability and immediate feedback. Such access and academic transparency guarantees that each family and student can track daily progress and cumulative mastery in every element of our rigorous college preparatory program of studies.
国际化的视角: The Salisbury School participated in NAIS&apos&aposs Challenge 20/20 program, which provides an opportunity for schools to develop globally based, experiential curricula and to build educational partnerships with schools around the world. This year, four upper school students volunteered to take on the Challenge and tackled the problem of Declining Fisheries in collaboration with students from the Western Academy of Beijing.
毕业生去向 : 100% of graduates are accepted to 4-year colleges and universities, including:
● American University
● Berklee Conservatory of Music
● Boston College
● Bucknell University
● Dickinson College
● Duke University
● Franklin and Marshall College
● Harvard University
● Hobart and William Smith Colleges
● Lehigh University
● University of Maryland, College Park
● University of Richmond
● Wake Forest University
● Washington and Lee University
卓越的学术成就: 该校于2009年被评为马里兰州优秀学校之一,荣誉颁发者为约翰霍普金大学青年才俊中心。该中心领导世界对天才学生进行评估和鉴别挑选。索尔兹伯里中学超过一半的学生都被提名至约翰霍普金大学青年才俊中心。
AP 课程: 11门
ESL: (●)
Rigorous college counseling starting in grade 8 and continues through grade 12.
A full array of experiential learning, leadership opportunities, fine and performing arts presentations, and competitive athletics rounds out Salisbury’s enriched, robust offerings.
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