
2017-07-25 作者: 239阅读


  Essay #1

  a) MBA Program applicants – Brily assess your career progress to date. Elaborate on your future career plans and your motivation for pursuing an MBA. (600 word limit)

  They use the word “assess” and it’s worth paying attention to. Notice they didn’t say “describe” or “tell us about.” It’s a minor, but important distinction. When you ASSESS something, you measure its value. Determining its success… with respect to its potential. If you found an extraterrestrial rock and had to assess its luster, it would be impossible—you’d have no frame of rerence. But if you were assessing the sharpness of a knife, you could easily do so.

  Your career progress has a “potential” too. It’s the end game. It’s where it’s alllll headed. And this is KEY. Because once you have that objective clear in your mind, you are NOW in a position to evaluate your career progress, and describe to us how it has succeeded (or failed) in bringing you closer to achieving your potential. Again, context reigns supreme here.

  They do NOT want “first I worked at X doing Y. then I was promoted and did Z. then I started a company and we expanded to ten countries in two years.” Tells us nothing about progress TOWARD something.

  So, QUICKLY establish the end game (don’t dwell). And then show how each (significant) node in your career nudged you FORWARD along your progress bar. When you do so, we’ll be able to extrapolate how your goal is achievable, and THAT is what this question is all about. Does this kid’s track record convince us that he will achieve his goals?

  That should take up approximately 300 words, or half of this sucker. Now that you’ve established the momentum, hit us with more details on where this juggernaut is headed. And explain your NEEEEED for an MBA. Show us both that you are hell-bent and eminently capable of achieving your goals, but that there is CRITICAL value to an MBA in making it all happen. Prove it.

  No room for fat in here, hit these points clearly and crisply.

  b) MMM Program applicants – Brily assess your career progress to date. How does the MMM Program meet your educational needs and career goals? (600 word limit).

  The only difference here is the need to speak directly to the ways in which their dual degree program affects your goals. Again, many folks make the mistake of offering PRAISE to the school or the program. Irrelevant. They don’t need to know why they’re good, they ONLY need to know HOW their offerings help you. Just tell them. Those who turn off that praise spigot tend to come across more measured and committed. Always reads.


     2010-2011年哈佛商学院(HBS)Essay questions


     2010-2011美国沃顿商学院MBA申请Essay questions


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