
2017-07-25 作者: 185阅读

  历史悠久的Worcester Polytechnic Institute (伍斯特理工学院)位于美国新英格兰地区,Worcester Polytechnic Institute 的商学院在全美MBA教育中享有很高的声誉,下面我们就来为大家介绍一下这所商学院的排名和其开设的课程。首先是他们的Fullt-time MBA课程:


  Business Week (Part-time MBA)(美国《商业周刊》将WPI的Part-time MBA项目列为“全美第一”) www.aoji.cn

  #1 in the U.S.

  #1 in Student Satisfaction

  #2 in Academic Quality

  A+ for Teaching Quality

  A+ for Caliber of Classmates

  A+ For Curriculum

  Best for Career Advancers

  Business 2.0(《Business 2.0》的毕业生职业前景排名中列第9位)

  #9 in U.S., “Where Your Career Prospects Are Brightest”

  Entrepreneur Magazine(《企业家》杂志将WPI的Finance项目列第15位)

  Top 15 in “Finance” based on Business School Student Opinion Surveys

  The Princeton Review(《普林斯顿评论》的女性机会排行榜前10,学生职业前景排行榜第9位)

  Top 10 “Greatest Opportunities for Women” for 4 of the Past 5 Years

  #9 for “Best Career Prospects”

  U.S. News & World Report(《美国新闻与世界报道》将WPI的Online MBA项目列为最佳)

  Best Online MBA Programs

  Graduate Management Programs


  Through a WPI MBA - part time or full time - you&aposll learn how to transform information into valuable intelligence to help your business succeed, and you&aposll learn to think several steps ahead to gain an advantage in the marketplace. Understanding management principles within the technological environment is at the core of everything we teach and all of our research. Our faculty bring a wealth of academic and professional experience to the classroom, while our students come with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of knowledge. It&aposs a unique learning environment that gives WPI MBA students an edge in a fast-changing world.

  MS in Information Technology (MSIT)(信息技术硕士项目)

  In keeping with the rapid growth of the information technology sector, WPI launched the Master of Science program in Information Technology. The MSIT program is designed for full immersion into information technology, while still providing the comprehensive management principles necessary for understanding the application of IT to business and of business to IT.

  MS in Marketing and Technological Innovation (MSMTI)(市场营销与技术创新硕士项目)

  Technological advances have changed the very nature of marketing by demanding faster anticipation of emerging markets and radical innovations. At the same time, new technologies depend on solid marketing strategies that take advantage of highly variable climates, where markets are created and eliminated more quickly than ever bore. Successful innovation marketing relies on the ability to recognize opportunities in unexpected places, taking advantage of altering communication patterns and the flow of information, all while managing ever-increasing competition on a global scale.

  MS in Operations Design and Leadership (MSODL)(运营管理及领导力硕士项目)

  Today’s business environments deal constantly with changes requiring leadership for operational solutions. The Master of Science in Operations Design and Leadership provides balance between service and production management, with an emphasis on the leadership skills needed to facilitate organizational improvement.The program offers the option to concentrate in either Supply Chain Management or Process Design, or to customize the degree with a broad selection of electives focusing in-depth on issues in operations management and related management areas.

  About Worcester Polytechnic Institute《美国新闻与世界报道》2011美国综合性大学排名第64名

  Founded in 1865 in Worcester, Massachusetts, WPI was one of the nation’s first engineering and technology universities. WPI’s 14 academic departments offer more than 50 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in science, engineering, technology, management, the social sciences, and the humanities and arts, leading to bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees. WPI’s world-class faculty work with students in a number of cutting-edge research areas, leading to breakthroughs and innovations in such fields as biotechnology, fuel cells, information security, materials processing, and nanotechnology.

  Our Location(麻省第二大城市,开车一小时至波士顿)

  Worcester, Massachusetts, with a population of 170,000 (plus 30,000 college students) is New England&aposs third-largest city. Known for its outstanding educational and cultural institutions, the city is home to 14 colleges and universities.The Worcester Art Museum, the second largest in New England, and the world-renowned American Antiquarian Society are both adjacent to WPI. The city is within an hour&aposs drive of Boston and Providence; and 75 minutes from Hartford. It is close to many historical sites, cultural centers and recreational facilities, including Boston&aposs Freedom Trail, Old Sturbridge Village (a living museum depicting 1830 rural village life), the beaches of Cape Cod and Maine, and several major metropolitan areas featuring world-class museums, concert halls and professional sports teams.


  Admission to WPI Graduate Management Programs is competitive. We seek candidates with strong professional and academic records who have a high likelihood of success in a challenging, technology-focused management program, and whose aspirations are in line with the focus of the program. Successful candidates are curious, results-oriented professionals who exhibit the analytical and ethical aptitudes needed to succeed in business. Graduate Management Programs admit students for fall (September) and spring (January) terms. Master of Science programs admit full-time students only during the fall term; full-time students may enter the MBA program in either term.Applications are evaluated on a rolling basis.We advise students to submit applications and all supporting documentation by the following dates for their term of choice:

  Fall Admission for International Students – June 1

  Spring Admission for International Students – October 1


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