
2017-07-25 作者: 370阅读








  Is it ever appropriate to say "no" to your mother when she needs financial assistance? While I was growing up, this was not a concept I could ever fathom (v. 彻底了解). My mother is a hardworking woman. No job has ever been beneath her when it came to supporting the family whether it was loading luggage on airplanes or lifting packages at a shipping company. My mother was the infallible beacon of hard work, my superstar in a single parent household. Unfortunately, certain situations over the past three years have created an ethical dilemma in our relationship.

  My love for my mother compelled me to eagerly enter the workforce in order to support her with supplemental income. However, her financial situation has deteriorated (v. 恶化) significantly over the past few years due to forts to make up for shortfalls (n.不足) in her income by gambling at casinos. Her reliance on legal gambling has developed into borderline addiction. Due to inopportune losses, she has often turned to me for assistance in paying her rent and utility bills.

  I tried to be supportive and encouraging by assisting her with creating a budget and getting her in touch with financial counselors. The situation has been emotionally difficult for me, as her requests for money have increased, While I consider myself to be financially responsible and disciplined, it is difficult for me to continue feeling comfortable supporting her behavior through passive measures. 1 often fear that my assistance may be more detrimental (adj. 有害的) than helpful. As a resolution, I recently tried declining her continued requests for financial assistance, Of course, I cannot make such a decision without fierce internal conflict and in the end, I simply felt guilty for saying "no."

  I have given her the money that she needed on every occasion. I do so because I realize that everything that I have attained in my career is in large part due to her unconditional love and support. Under normal circumstances, I would not hesitate to support her financially, but this situation is troubling because I am also the source of the family&aposs long-term financial stability. Realistically, I must think in terms of my own future, as I have no one to turn to in case of a financial emergency of my own. While 1 have yet to discover a final resolution to this ongoing dilemma, what I have found is that while in some situations, I should say "no" to my mother, I have a moral obligation to provide her with a supportive network, just as she did for me when I was a child.









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