2017-07-25 232阅读
Executive MBA是针对在企业已经有相当管理经验的人士,一般比较适合总监、副总、总裁之类的职务,下面,澳际留学就为大家介绍华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校,希望对大家有所帮助。想知道更多MBA留学申请、选校及专业信息吗?请点击进入>>>>澳际免费咨询顾问或联系QQ客服:800004500
Uniquely Designed Curriculum. A rigorous core taught in Kansas City is followed by integrated theme-based courses taught in St. Louis that address the complex, unstructured issues faced by leading professionals: sustainable profitable growth, leadership, innovation, creativity and the global marketplace.
Quality of Faculty. Learn and collaborate with senior faculty. In Executive MBA Kansas City courses, you’ll put Olin’s concept of research-driven thinking-applied to the test. Olin professors are distinguished by their innovative research and are uniquely qualified to push conventional boundaries and test new methods, and translate your academic experience into the workplace.
Global Study. Gain firsthand experience through an international residency study trip to Shanghai, China. You’ll visit leading corporations and government agencies, and participate in sessions with your class and Executive MBA students from our partner program at Fudan University.
Networking. As part of Washington University’s alumni network, you’ll build close working relationships with seasoned peer professionals from Kansas City and the Midwest region in diverse functional backgrounds and industries. In addition, you’ll connect with executives from multi-national companies and a network over 500 alumni from our program in Shanghai.
Professional Development Planning. Career management strategy should be an essential aspect your personal development. We’ll help you develop a personalized Executive Leadership Plan to develop self awareness, identify areas for growth and grow the skill set to navigate your career path.
Most Executive MBA program applicants are midcareer and have a track record of success. In your application and/or interview, you must show that you possess the academic ability and motivation to succeed, as well as the ability to work as part of a team.
GMAT or GRE scores are not a requirement for admission. Under certain circumstances we may require that you demonstrate you have the necessary quantitative skills to succeed in the program. If you&aposve taken the GMAT or the GRE and feel the scores would strengthen your application, please submit them, and they will be considered along with your application materials.
Commitment and Recommendation Letters
Your application must be accompanied by two letters of recommendation and a letter of commitment.
Recommendation Letters
We prer that senior-level executives or immediate supervisors write your letters of recommendation. Letters should address the authors&apos knowledge of your professional achievements; potential for future managerial success, capacity to handle graduate business education, and personal qualities such as motivation, integrity and leadership ability.
Commitment Letter
This letter should describe the sponsor&aposs understanding of the time commitment required to complete the program and the organization&aposs agreement, if any, for financial support. If you are self-employed, please provide a statement of self-sponsorship. Your sponsoring officer should mail the commitment letter to the Admissions Committee in the Executive EMBA Program Office.
The Executive MBA Admissions staff wants to get to know you and we encourage you to contact us bore you begin the application process. The Executive MBA Admissions Committee considers a number of factors in selecting candidates for the program. Strong candidates for the Executive MBA Program should demonstrate:
Ability to do graduate-level business coursework and be committed to completing a 20-month program
Five or more years of work experience
Experience and expertise that will contribute to the overall educational process of the class
Self or company sponsored
Each applicant is carully considered on the basis of:
Professional accomplishments
Academic history and transcripts from all universities attended
Motivation and commitment
Application Deadline for Spring 2011
We are now accepting applications for Spring 2011 entering class. Candidates for the Kansas City EMBA Program are encouraged to submit their application and interview by December 1, 2010. GMAT scores considered but not required.
Application Process
1. Apply Online.
2. Request that all your previous undergraduate and graduate institutions submit official transcripts to the Executive MBA Program Office. (Transcript Request form, *PDF 66K.)
3. Request two letters of recommendation using this Letter of Recommendation form (*PDF 12K). Authors of your letters may submit them through our online application or through the mail.
4. Provide a letter of commitment from the appropriate officer at your place of employment or organization. SeeSample Commitment Letter (*PDF 42K). If you are self-employed, please provide a statement of self-commitment.
5. Submit your $100 nonrundable application fee.
6. Once all supporting documentation has been submitted, please contact us to schedule a personal interview. We are hosting an interview day in Kansas City on Saturday, February 27, 2010.
Letters and official transcripts (mailed directly from the appropriate institutions) should be sent to:
Executive MBA Programs
Olin Business School
Washington University in St. Louis
Campus Box 1158
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
Phone: 314-935-EMBA
Fax: 314-935-7161
Olin offers a limited number of supplemental scholarships to offset the cost of tuition for students working for nonprofit organizations. This scholarship is not only an investment in our community, but creates a great learning opportunity in class between students representing corporate and nonprofit organizations. To qualify for consideration, candidates must be admitted applicants to the Executive MBA Program and be employed for a documented NPO, excluding postsecondary educational institutions. In addition, candidates must submit a federal Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and provide a document that explains the purpose and mission of the nonprofit organization. For additional information and details, please contact Debra Williams at 314-935-8079.
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