
2017-07-25 作者: 245阅读

  达特茅斯商学院MBA更重视个人的组织能力和领导能力,在MBA申请文书中,你应该强调你的TEAM PLAY。澳际留学提醒您,达特茅斯学院商学院MBA文书写作要注意以下三点:

  1.这个MBA主要的方向是培养第二种人,职业经理人,GENERAL MANAGEMENT,所以领导团队,打造团队是你要学的,也是你可以展示的;

  2.由于学校特别强调TEAM PLAY,这应该是申请文书的主线和重点强调地方。


  1.Why is an MBA a critical next step toward your short- and long-term career goals? Why is Tuck the best MBA program for you? (If you are applying for a joint or dual degree, please explain how the additional degree will contribute to those goals。) (at best 500 words)

  2.Tuck dines leadership as “inspiring others to strive and enabling them to accomplish great things。” We believe great things and great leadership can be accomplished in pursuit of business and societal goals. Describe a time when you exercised such leadership. Discuss the challenges you faced and the results you achieved. What characteristics helped you to be fective, and what areas do you feel you need to develop in order to be a better leader? (at best 500 words)


  3.Discuss the most difficult constructive criticism or feedback you have received. How did you address it? What have you learned from it? (at best 500 words)


  4.Tuck seeks candidates of various backgrounds who can bring new perspectives to our community. How will your unique personal history, values, and/or life experiences contribute to the culture at Tuck? (at best 500 words)

  (多元化背景。注意写写你的国际经历GLOBAL BUSNINESS MINDSET)

  5.(Optional) Please provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere that may be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of uators, weaknesses in academic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc。). Complete this question only if you feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application. (at best 500 words)



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