
2017-07-25 作者: 312阅读


  1) Limited professional and careerexperience

  Business schools admit MBA candidates who have proven to be able toclimb the career ladder during their professional work experience. Everyone has to start somewherebut if you cannot demonstrate that you have progressed over the duration ofyour career beyond an entry-level job, then applying to business school isprobably premature. If your job is holding you back then maybe it is time youseek a new opportunity. General trends show individuals should be ableto grow or increase responsibility every two or three years in depending on theorganization. If you are not growing then you may need to reconsider as it willnot rlect well on your resume.


  2) GMAT score is below a school’saverage range

  Most schools publish their average GMAT score range on their website. If your GMAT falls below thisrange then the rest of your application will have to be exceptional to overcomeconcerns about your verbal and/or quantitative abilities.


  3) Undergraduate degree from a school with a questionableacademic reputation

  Even if you have a high GPA, your chance of being accepted into an MBAschool goes down significantly if you went to what is affectionately known inthe United States as a “party school” or if your degree is from a program thatvery few people have heard of and/or has a questionable academic reputation. Berealistic when applying to a business school.

  4) Weak rerence or recommendationletters

  Some business schools accept less than 20% of those who apply. Your rerence letters arecritical in the admissions process and must provide a strong case of why youshould be admitted into the program. They should demonstrate how you stand outfrom the applicant pool or your chances of acceptance fall significantly.If you don’t feel that you have supervisors or managers who will be willing to write exceptional rerence letters on your behalf then you need to postponeapplying since these are critical in the application and admissions process.You can also speak with your supervisors/managers and tell them about yourfuture plans and discuss what areas you need to improve in order to receive anexceptional letter. This can be brought up during your annual or 6 monthreview.

  对于TOP 的项目,竞争非常激烈,所以美国MBA留学推荐信也会是决定成败的项目之一。

  5) Limited evidence of leadershipexperience

  Admissions committees understand that you are early in your career and donot expect you will be running a division of your own company or leading alarge team within an organization. Nevertheless, they do expect that you have influenced others and made apositive impact on a smaller scale as a leader both at work and/or externallyin the community. Business schools rarely accept candidates who can’tdemonstrate leadership abilities.

  对于工作经历不够的申请者,积极证明自己的leadership 很重要,这可以是社团或是其他什么活动中体现出来的领导力品质。

  6) Unclear reasons for choosing aparticular school

  Admissions officers will ask you why you are applying to their school. If you cannot demonstrateknowledge of the program and build a strong case for attending their schoolthen you will undermine your chances of getting admitted. For example,think of it as if you were applying for a job and how much research you wouldneed to prepare for the actual job interview in order to stand out as acandidate.


  7) Inability to relate skills andexperiences to post-MBA career goals

  Many MBA applicants undermine their chances for acceptance into businessschool by proposing a set of lofty career goals that are not realistic whenviewed in the context of their past experiences and strengths. Admissions officers are concernedwhen a candidate’s career plans seem unrealistic to accomplish when they graduateif it is in an area you have no relevant work experience in at all.

  在essay中写的毕业之后的career goal 要切合实际,基于已有的工作经验和技能。

  8) Career goals lack a sense of purposeand meaning

  MBA programs were founded on the beli that business leaders cancontribute to the prosperity of society. MBA schools are seeking future leaderswho want to make a positive difference in the world. Ensure that the career goals you share in yourpersonal essays convey a larger sense of purpose and that your career goals aremeaningful to you. What type of impact do you want to make in the world?Think large scale….what is your vision?

  9) Error free application & writtenessays

  We cannot stresshow important it is to have a fresh pair of eyes read and review your personalcareer statement or essay. Admissions steering committees are alsoevaluating your ability to write at a graduate level and there is nothing worsethan finding simple grammatical errors and/or typos which could be avoided ifyou had given yourself enough time and not rushed to submit it. Planning aheadis very important in order to meet the admissions deadlines.

  让第三方帮你看一遍你的essay 是一个好方法。因为难免你的essay中会有一些语法错误或者是拼写错误,自己很难发现这样的错误。

  10) You must remember this is acompetitive game and the way to avoid falling into this rejection letter bucketor minimize your risk is the following:

  ? Present somethingtruly outstanding about yourself, something that really stands out and willstick in admissions officers’ minds when they start narrowing down the choicesfor their MBA class. This is not the time to be humble but rather boast aboutwho you are as I know it is not easy to do…

  ? Make sure your essays help them feel like they’ve gotten to know youas a person.

  ? Submit recommendations in which the writers scream from the rooftops,“This kid is a rock star!!”

  ? Nail your interviews so that they have no questions about yourmaturity and your ability to worth with others.

  ? Display a knowledge of (and a passion for) the program that leaves noquestion in the admissions committee’s mind that you will matriculate ifaccepted.

  ? And, perhaps most importantly, don’t force them to overlook anyweaknesses in your profile. Make their decision an easy one.

  The items listed above are obviously more easily said than done, butthey really are the best way to avoid falling into the “We really like you, butjust can’t quite find room for you” bucket.




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