
2017-07-25 作者: 518阅读



  Failed Internet Startup

  [Prompt: We all experience “dining moments, ” significant events that can have a major impact on our lives. Brily describe such an event and how it affected you.]

  The president of our company announced the final vote: “five to three in favor of ending the business.” Instantly, the tumultuous adventure of Versaworks abruptly ended. This web-based company we had founded aimed to promote an online reservation system for restaurants. Planning to run the company part-time while we sought initial business contracts to generate some base revenue, we had hoped to attract enough investors to provide funding for the team to work full-time. In the end, however, our inability to solidify relationships with restaurants led to the vote on closing the business, and the vote’s outcome was what everyone had expected.

  However, closing this chapter in my life allowed me to open a new one, as it caused me to re-evaluate my career goals. I asked myself, why was I so motivated to start a business in the first place? Why did I find its possibilities more rewarding than my successful engineering career? I came to realize that while engineering allowed me to apply my technical skills to developing advanced technology, I believed I had the opportunity and privilege to enhance people’s lives more fectively by guiding a collaborative fort, a whole company directed towards providing for the needs of its customers.

  In a word, today I understand that my long-term career goal is to maximize my contribution to society. Through my Versaworks experience, I gained a new perspective on what it takes to start a business. The closing of that project compelled me to rocus on my goals and evaluate what I need in order to achieve them. Today, I know that the pursuit of an MBA education is the next step I must take.


  澳际六步曲第三步文书创作与学校申请根据申请者个人特点和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作。我们追求用地道的英语精彩展现申请人的特点,将Be Yourself 和Admission Officers' Thinking在每一份文书中完美结合。这不仅极大增加了成功机会,也让文书的写作变成了与我们的用户进行心灵交流的一种仪式。这个过程,不断感动着参与到其中的我们并为此骄傲。文书创作与学校申请具体服务项目如下:

  1. 根据各项考试成绩和背景提升情况最终确定学校和专业

  2. 根据所选学校的要求和特点制定有针对性的申请方案

  3. 根据所选学校的要求和特点创作有针对性的申请文书

  4. 指导申请人完成Writing Sample/Research Proposal 和Portfolio 的制作

  5. 指导申请人办理成绩单、在读证明、毕业证明,存款证明等相关申请材料

  6. 指导申请人完成网上申请和邮寄申请材料



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