
2017-07-25 作者: 534阅读



  ‘Accounting is like Art’. You have to analyse every aspect bore making a just decision.

  A teacher of mine once told me that if you were good at art, you would be good at accounts. It was hard to find his logic at first, but having spent two years doing GCSE Art and a further two on Accounts A Level, it all began to make sense. You need logic; everything has a set order and method. Each piece is placed carully and has a high significance amongst its environment. You need analytical skills. Take apart every piece of information and use it to make your own decisions.

  Having excelled in both these exams, I can proudly say that I possess the skills that will lead me to university. I have developed an interest in studying accounts or and would therore like to continue doing so at university. The course that I would like to do at university is Business Accounts or Accounts and Finance. I feel that the two subjects combine well with one another and on many occasions I have founds that my knowledge of one has helped me with the other. Studying Maths and Business has also provided me with logic and a greater understanding of various concepts and methods. I have become more flexible in identifying what concepts need to be used and when, thus, helping me achieve the greatest results possible. I have the ability to pick up skills and knowledge quickly and am independent enough to conduct my own study and research. On many occasions at college I have taught myself various chapters in maths in order to remain ahead of the class.

  My main ambition for the future is to become an Accountant Executive or a Financial Advisor. I am hoping university will provide me with an understanding of the business world as well as offering me a wide range of choices and connections after my course. However, I have also helped to teach mathematics. I have taken part in a project at school where we taught younger pupils the basics of maths. I also helped to tutor many of my classmates in preparation for exams, which they found helpful. I enjoyed teaching and so this will be my third choice of career.

  Outside of studying, one of my many passions is Art. I enjoy visiting art galleries and studying art in depth. My favourite type of art is symbolism and surrealism and my favourite artists are Dali and Escher as they both deal with ‘double possibilities’. Recently, however, I have developed a new interest in contemporary art, of which I have done a number of paintings on canvas on commission for friends and family who have all been pleased with my work.

  Most of my spare time on the weekend is taken up by my part time job as a sales associate at Skechers USA, Bullring, Birmingham. I have been working at Skechers since the opening of the store in September 2003 and am one of only two of the original members of staff lt. This is an advantage for me as I can offer the highest level of customer service and have a good knowledge of the overall running of the store, which makes me committed, reliable and adaptable as I have found that I need to adjust myself to the many changes that have occurred over the year. My job has also taught me to be more tolerable and patient with others.

  I have thoroughly enjoyed college and believe that university is the next step for me. College and my part time job have changed me as a person. They have given me a greater sense of independence and success. I feel that college has really made me grow and has introduced me to a wider range of people. I have opened up to people more and am now a better team player as I have learnt to listen to others and take in their opinions. I have become accepting to other cultures and belis and feel that I am much more open-minded.

  I hope that you have analysed this piece carully enough to offer me a place at your university, and trust that you have yet to see the bigger picture of me.


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