
2017-07-25 作者: 232阅读



  Law Personal Statement

  I have always felt that law was an important part of my life and ever since I was little I found myself arguing for what I believed was right. However it was not until I returned from working in an orphanage in India that I realised I wanted to dedicate my life to this

  Bore I lt for India I was in charge of many fundraising events to generate money for the orphanage I visited. Working with the children at the orphanage was very challenging but it was a great experience which has encouraged me to help the underprivileged. Studying law will give me the chance to provide help for the disadvantaged who cannot do this by themselves

  I believe that studying in an international school has helped me to understand how complex a society can be and meeting many people from different parts of the world has given me a greater understanding of their cultures I am a very dedicated person and I have always been involved in both curricular and extra curricular activities at school. I was the stage manager for the production of &aposBugsy Malone&apos and my passion for drama motivated me to help the cast members and brought me both satisfaction and success. Because of my great interests in sports and drama I have been able to develop new ways of expressing my opinions and ideas. I am part of the senior community theatre club and the football and basketball teams. I like working in a group and I think it is very important to set yourself goals which you work hard for to achieve

  Having been a member of the school student council for four years, two of which I was vice-president, I got a closer look at the study of law. As a group, we fought for what our students wanted and through that I learned the importance of being part of a team and taking an active part in the community

  I have been chosen as a prect and mentor during the I.B. programme and I believe this shows that I am a very responsible, reliable and trustworthy person

  In conclusion I would like to express that I am a very motivated and committed student and I look forward in starting the law course as I am very excited and know that I will make full use of the opportunities offered to me at university.


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