2017-07-25 542阅读
本人是帝国理工Metals and Energy Finance专业的在读学生,这个专业很多同学都不太了解,为了造福后来的同学们,接下来我将简单的介绍一下这个专业。
专业:Metals and Energy Finance
学校:Imperial College London
Many of you have specifically asked for confirmation that you will be able to put on CVs that your degree was formally offered through both the Business School (BS) and the Department of Earth Science and Engineering (ESE).
The answer is yes you may.
Study Trip:
该项目由两个study trip,分别在Wessex Basin(4天)和南非(12天)。总共费用约1500GBP,未包含在学费内。今年的学费为25,650GBP。
· Wessex Basin.Comprises a weekend in mid February as part of the Petroleum DevelopmentGeology and Reservoir Modelling course. Costs involve shared hire of a coachand B&B accommodation for four nights. Budget for about £250.
· South Africa. in midMay to visit active mining, processing and extractive operations. Costs involvea return airfare to Johannesburg(currently available for £650), shared hire of a coach and B&Baccommodation for 12 nights. Budget for about £550 for the transport and accommodation. Please make sure you factor that into your personal financial planning.The cost is not covered by your course fee. A photogallery of the May 2009 excursion is available for viewing on the course website.
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