
2017-07-25 作者: 229阅读



  Pharmacy Personal Statement

  I view pharmacy as a challenging and exciting career. I believe pharmacists are vital to healthcare in today&aposs society as health practitioners. Their understanding of the pharmaceutical sciences ensures that the drugs are used to maximum benit in disease prevention and patient treatment by health professionals. I am eager to specialise in this subject with a specific interest in the placebo fect and how drugs can not only affect us physically and mentally, but socially too. I have enjoyed the various aspects of my chemistry course particularly on my A2 course; however the organic chemistry topics have interested me the most. I especially liked organic synthesis because it allows you to make complex chemicals such as drugs from very simple materials. Whilst studying mathematics and physics, I have gained an understanding of the need to apply new concepts accurately quickly, easily and fectively. I believe these key skills will be essential in the study of pharmacy. Having thoroughly enjoyed the academic study of chemistry, physics and mathematics, I have chosen a degree that will enable me to combine theory with a practical application.

  My work experience at a local pharmacy was an enjoyable and challenging experience. I observed the formulation of medicines and learnt about the precision and responsibility with which pharmacists must work. I also learnt how to dispense prescriptions and use the computer to check for possible interactions with other drugs, correct dosages and print labels for prescriptions. I was also fortunate enough to give advice to customers and indicate possible side fects their medication may have. My work experience gave me a valuable insight to my degree area and confirmed that pharmacy is a degree that I will thoroughly enjoy. I have had the opportunity to visit AstraZeneca, the Avlon site, in Avonmouth last year, where I saw how drugs were manufactured on an industrial scale; it was simply fascinating to watch. To widen my view of the field I try keep up to date with recent developments by enlightening myself with the pharmaceutical journals.

  In addition to my academic studies, I have always enjoyed undertaking sports like badminton and squash and am currently learning to swim at my local sports centre every weekend. I have also completed the Bath half marathon last year in March 2007. I am fully conversant in the use of computers and have used them to them to maintain a website and research subjects on the internet. I have also held the responsibility of being a house prect which has developed my speaking, listening, time management and leadership skills. I have mentored a year 11 student thought his GCSE year helping him with exam strategies and organisation skills. This has rined my communication skills and makes me feel like a respected member of the 6th form.

  As didn&apost quite reach my predicted grades in my A-levels, I have chosen to retake some modules during my gap year in order to meet them. In addition to this I started full-time employment in Lloyd&aposs pharmacy where I am progressing with my dispensing assistant course. I feel that this should significantly enhance my skills for application required by a pharmacist. This should furthermore enable me to develop into a more confident person.

  Pharmacy is a subject which has greatly intrigued me for most of my life. I will bring determination and enthusiasm to my studies and feel I can do well in the university environment; enabling me to express my capabilities in their entirety. I am determined to achieve my long held ambition to become a pharmacist and to enjoy the stimulation that this career offers.


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