
2017-07-21 作者: 242阅读

  申请美国MBA留学,美国MBA申请准备各项留学材料时,美国MBA resume写作还是很关键的。美国知名MBA都会通过阅览大家的resume来了解同学们的相关情况。下面,我们就来看一看resume写作的相关信息。以下是大家都常会犯的几个错误。

  美国MBA留学,美国MBA申请的同学们常犯的这些美国MBA resume错误,同学们要多多警惕:

  1. Resume is for highlighting your achievements and not to list whatever you did in your jobs. Most people do not get this. They use this important tool to talk about their day-to-day activities on the job. Please understand that your resume is your chance to sell yourself in the best possible way. Do not list the mundane details of your job and waste invaluable space which you can use to highlight your abilities.

  2. Another common mistake is to use vague and generic language in your resume. B-schools (or anybody who is reading your resume) want to know what specifically was your contribution in terms of cost savings or increase in revenues or better process etc. Mention specifically what was your role and give them concrete numbers to make your point with emphasis.

  3. Many people use very dry words instead of using strong action words in their resumes. Words like 'participated', 'coordinated', 'helped' etc are very weak. Use strong words like 'Build', 'Created', 'Improved', 'Reorganized' etc to give due credit to your work. If you just participated, its not a big achievement, think about something more than participation.

  4. Use clear bullet points rather than writing your achievements in a big paragraph. Paragraphs bury your achievements and kill the purpose of your resume.

  5. Prioritize what you want to sell. Resume should not exceed one page. In their quest to say everything in one single page, people crowd their resume with so much detail that the reader gets turned off just by looking at the resume. Please know what is really important and say only that. Use white spaces to give fect to those important points. Don't bury them in a lot of words.

  6. Avoid your industry jargons. This is most common with people applying with IT backgrounds. People on the adcom do not know what is 'middle layer OO design". Keep it to yourself. Please simplify what you did for them in their language and more importantly - give them results.

  以上就是今天的美国MBA留学精彩讲解,希望能更好的指导同学们进行美国MBA申请。关于美国MBA resume,同学们如果还有哪些问题想要了解和咨询,欢迎大家继续锁定澳际留学美国频道网来了解更多。听澳际专家为你细细谈。

  澳际留学服务团队拥有国内最为精英的咨询顾问。顾问团队由海内外顶尖名校硕士博士和金融咨询实业界精英专家构成;全部咨询师毕业于国内外一流大学。我们主要服务于美国名校或者奖学金申请的客户,我们服务于澳际六步曲(6大步骤,36个服务子项目)以及8大留学精英课程;强调重在参与精神、科学规划和个人素质综合提高、专业选择和海内外求职指导。澳际采用互动分享的Workshop,多对一的个性化辅导,根据申请者个人特性和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作,真正做到Be Yourself和Admission Officers Thinking的完美结合,独创“头脑风暴”挖掘法,帮助申请人全面认识自己。


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