
2017-07-21 作者: 219阅读


  1.Get out of the library. You can have a degree and a huge GPA and not be ready for the workplace. A student should plan that college is four years of experience rather than 120 credits," says William Coplin, professor at Syracuse University and author of the book, 10 Things Employers Want You to Learn in College."



  2. Start a business in your dorm room. It&apos&aposs cheap, Google and Yahoo are dying to buy your website, and it&apos&aposs better than washing dishes in the cafeteria. Note to those who play poker online until 4 a.m.: Gambling isn&apos&apost a business. It&apos&aposs an addiction.



  3. Don&apos&apost take on debt that is too limiting. This is not a rerence to online gambling, although it could be. This is about choosing a state school over a pricey private school. Almost everyone agrees you can get a great education at an inexpensive school. So in many cases the debt from a private school is more career-limiting than the lack of brand name on your diploma.



  4. Get involved on campus. When it comes to career success, emotional intelligence -- social skills to read and lead others -- get you farther than knowledge or job competence, according to Tiziana Casciaro, professor at Harvard Business School. Julie Albert, a junior at Brandeis University, is the director of her a capella group and head of orientation this year. She hones her leadership skills outside the classroom, which is exactly where to do it.

  第四,积极参加校园文化活动。哈佛商学院的Tiziana Casciaro教授在谈到事业的成功,情商――阅读和领导别人的社会技能――均来源于在大学做合唱团的指挥和领导,在那里获取的能力要远远超过你的学识和工作能力。这在美国文化中,是所谓"领袖素质"的基础。


  5. Avoid grad school in the liberal arts. One in five English Phd&apos&aposs find stable university jobs, and the degree won&apos&apost help outside the university: "Schooling only gives you the capacity to stand behind a cash register," says Thomas Benton, a columnist at the Chronicle of Higher Education (who has an English degree from Yale and a tenure-track teaching job.)

  第五,转学美国读本科的学生避免在文理学院中读研究生。五分之一的英语博士可以在大学里找到稳定的工作,走出校门(找工作),学位没有任何帮助。Thomas Benton(一位高等教育纪事报专栏作家,拥有耶鲁大学英语学士学位和一个任期的田径教学工作)说:大学仅仅是给你一个站在收银机后面的能力。


  6. Skip the law-school track. Lawyers are the most depressed of all professionals. Stress itself does not make a job bad, says Alan Kreuger, economist at Princeton University. Not having control over one&apos&aposs work does make a bad job, though, and lawyers are always acting on behalf of someone else. Suicide is among the leading causes of premature death among lawyers.

  第六,Alan Kreuger(普林斯顿经济学家)说:跳出法律学校的轨迹。律师是所有职业中最压抑的。本身有压力的工作并不代表是一份坏的工作。律师总是代表别人去争利,没有办法掌控自己的工作,是一份坏工作。自杀是律师中第一号非正常死亡的原因。


  7. Play a sport. People who play sports earn more money than couch potatoes, and women executives who played sports attribute much of their career success to their athletic experience, says Jennifer Cripsen of Sweet Briar College in Virginia. You don&apos&apost need to be great at sports, you just need to be part of a team.



  8. Separate your expectations from those of your parents. "Otherwise you wake up and realize you&apos&aposre not living your own life," says Alexandra Robbins, author of the popular new book "The Overachievers." (Note to parents: If you cringe as you read this list, then you need to read this book.)



  9. Try new things that you&apos&aposre not good at. "Ditch the superstar mentality that if you don&apos&apost reach the top, president, A+, editor in chi, then the forts were worthless. It&apos&aposs important to learn to enjoy things without getting recognition," says Robbins.



  10. Dine success for yourself. "Society dines success very narrowly. Rather than dining success as financial gain or accolades, dine it in terms of individual interests and personal happiness," says Robbins.


  感想: 生活需要自我调节,幸福来源于自我感觉。(是不是有点阿Q?)


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