
2017-07-21 作者: 404阅读


  One of the ways we welcome students to the MBA Program is by helping them prepare for their financial obligations. Even as you consider applying to Harvard Business School, there are a few important things you should know:

  1、The MBA Program is need-blind in its candidate selection process. When you apply for admission, we have no knowledge of your financial situation, nor do we consider ability to pay as a factor in your evaluation.

  2、Once admitted, students have access to financial assistance through loans and need-based fellowship programs to cover the entire student budget.

  3、Financial aid is awarded to students based on the cost of the program and their ability to contribute. Our goal is to ensure that admitted students get all the support and funds they need to attend HBS. Given the rigorous pace and range of MBA activities, students should not plan to be employed during the academic terms.

  A financial aid timeline

  Securing financial aid involves a series of steps that proceed in the following order:

  1、Submit your application for admission to the MBA Program.

  2、After admission, complete and submit the financial aid applications that will be available to you on the HBS Intranet.

  3、Follow the progress of your financial aid application on your personalized online tracking tool.

  4、Review fellowship options offered by HBS and Harvard University.

  5、Explore loan options and research outside funding opportunities. Outside fellowship

  organizations maintain their own application and decision processes.

  Start planning now for the repayment obligations you may face after graduation.



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