
2017-07-21 作者: 305阅读

I waslistening with rapt attention to the girl sitting in the front of the classroomas she talked animatedly about her work with the local homeless population. Atthe club meeting of the Coalition for the Homeless, she described how her grantproposal to allocate money to the homeless was adopted by the local government,and hundreds of homeless people were able to rent homes, get jobs and to startnew lives. Talking with her after the presentation, I learned that she was aDuke student. Her passion was an important factor which inspired me to bringthese ideas of community service to my Chinese high school when I returned frommy exchange year in Raleigh. While volunteeringin AIDS-prevalent, poverty-stricken Yunnan Province,I began to notice the ties between local businesses and social welfare. HongtaTobacco Corporation had monopoly over the entire Yuxi tobacco market whichdrove the price of tobacco down. This phenomenon occurs throughout China andcontributes to the socioeconomic inequality between the cities and the suburbs.Although I have always wanted to become a businessman, it wasn’t until Istumbled upon this particular economic pattern that I realized it requires morethan just business skills to solve problems such as this. Therore, during mycollege search, my attention was once again drawn to Duke as it offers theMarket and Management Program that teaches practical business skills, as wellas the humanities in its unique interdisciplinary approach.


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