
2017-07-21 作者: 441阅读

  It is with regret that I write to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to the freshman class at Stanford University. Please know that this decision does not rlect any diciency or weakness in your application. We are humbled by your talents and achievements, and are impressed with the commitment that you have shown in all of your academic and extracurricular endeavors.

  We appreciate the thoughtfulness and care that went into your application and want to assure you that your candidacy received thorough and serious consideration. This decision should in no way detract from the very impressive credentials that you presented; due to the large number of applications that we receive for a comparatively small incoming class, we must unfortunately disappoint a vast majority of our applicants each year.

  You should know that we arrive at all admission decisions by way of an exhaustive committee review process. As a result, all application decisions are final, and we are unable to consider appeals of any kind. For your rerence, answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding our restrictive early action admission process may be found here. I hope these will address any questions or concerns you may have. I would also like to share with you an article (The title is "Rejected by Stanford? You&apos&aposll live.") I wrote for the Los Angeles Times in 2007 which you may find applicable today.

  We understand that this news must be disappointing to receive and, for that reason, we will not send a duplicate notification of this decision by mail.

  Ze, I want to thank you for your interest in Stanford and the fort that you put into your application. I wish you the very best for an outstanding undergraduate experience.








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