
2017-07-21 作者: 291阅读

  美国哈佛大学法学院是美国最古老法学学院之一,可以说是执法律教育界之牛耳。以下是哈佛大学法学院个人陈述的写作要求。申请哈佛大学法学院应该展示自己的背景、经历和观点。你自己可以决定personal statement的内容以及最好的表达方式,但是无论怎样,读者都希望对你“本人以及美国哈佛大学法学院潜在学生”有一个理解。


  Applicants present themselves, their backgrounds, experiences, and ideas to the Admissions Committee in a Personal Statement. Because people and their experiences are diverse, you are the best person to determine the content of your own statement. It is for you to decide what information you would like to convey, and the best way for you to convey it. Whatever you write, readers will be seeking to get a sense of you as a person and as a potential student and graduate of Harvard Law School. In this context, it is generally more helpful to write what you think readers should know to have a better sense of who you are rather than writing what you think the readers want to read.

  The Personal Statement can be an opportunity to illuminate your intellectual background and interests, or to provide information about yourself and your achievements that may not be fully evident through other information provided in the application. In many ways, you are preparing a case. As in most legal cases, it is important to be persuasive, clear, succinct, and timely. There are few substitutes for carul forethought and planning in this process.

  We understand that it can be difficult to discuss oneself on paper, but our experience is that written statements are valuable in the selection process. Candid, forthright and thoughtful statements are always the most helpful.

  美国哈佛大学法学院的个人陈述要求就是有说服力的、清楚的、简洁的、适时的(persuasive, clear, succinct, and timely)。诚恳、直接、有深度的个人陈述最有助于申请(Candid, forthright and thoughtful statements are always the most helpful.)

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