
2017-07-21 作者: 609阅读

  The Emory Adventure

  by Anonymous - November 15, 2003

  Many students decide to apply to Emory University based on our size, location, reputation, and yes, the weather. Besides these valid reasons as a possible college choice, why is Emory University a particularly good match for you?

  Emory is one of the few schools that offers the two fields I wish to study as a joint major in Economics/History due to its incorporation of multiple disciplines, especially that of mathematics. I also plan to undertake the pre-med requisites, as I aspire to become an ER doctor. One reason I was originally attracted to Emory was the accessibility of both Emory Hospital and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston. I plan to volunteer in the hospitals, and hope to gain invaluable experience bore applying for an internship in the ER department. After I receive my bachelor’s degree, I hope to gain admission to Emory’s School of Medicine, rated one of the best in the nation.

  I am attracted not only to Emory’s excellent intellectual opportunities and emphasis on undergraduate education, but also to its renowned professors, who seem very comfortable chatting about their areas of expertise outside of the classroom. I can easily see myself discussing the repercussions of Bush’s proposed dense budget with my economics professor or my paper regarding the impact of the Cultural Revolution on Chinese youth with my history professor.

  During the day, besides the time I spend in class, I can be found studying in the Matheson reading room or attending the East Asian Musical Cultures seminar; but by the early evening, I will be standing on the Woodruff balcony, gazing at the breathtaking Atlanta skyline or chatting with an Emory scholar from England over dinner. Emory is known for its diversity and comfortable, friendly atmosphere, and I cannot wait to meet students from all over the world.

  I will be occupied mostly with my studies, but during my spare time I plan to explore new avenues and participate in some of Emory’s 220 clubs and organizations. I am excited about continuing my interest and involvement in Academic Team, Habitat for Humanity, and Math Team, but am equally open to trying new things. I have read outstanding issues of The Emory Wheel, and hope to become a contributing writer. I recently discovered that Emory has a tango club, a juggling club, and a table-tennis sports team! With this much opportunity and four short years at Emory, I know I will be both intellectually and socially stimulated. I am ready for the Emory adventure.


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