2017-07-21 301阅读
美国利哈伊大学的Essay范文:Building Passion by Nicholas Malone - December 31, 2004 Lehigh is well known for its quality academics, a beautiful campus, and a spirited student body. Describe your academic and extracurricular interests and how Lehigh is a good match for you. Throughout my life, my eyes have been drawn to the sky. When I was a child I would look up in speckled black night and gaze at constellations, unable to comprehend the extent of the universe, wondering if it ever ended. By day I would look to the sky again; jets flying high in Earth&apos&aposs atmosphere enthralled me. With my head constantly in the clouds it was only a short time bore I noticed buildings, those massive edifices that seemed to yearn for the sky as I did. In my adolescent state of mind, sheer size impressed me more than anything else -- the bigger, the better I thought. Now that I have moved beyond Legos, my admiration for buildings is no longer founded solely on height. My gaze has shifted from the heavens to the horizon, and I now appreciate structures for their more meaningful qualities, evaluating them as architects&apos&apos distinguished contributions to nature, society, and posterity. With my eyes leveled, I now mainly look to houses for inspiration -- structures incredibly diversified in appearance to satisfy natural surroundings, architectural expression, and individual prerences, though universally united in the purpose of providing individuals with shelter, identity, and a sense of home. My changed perspective has motivated me to explore my potential as an architect so that I too may someday leave my contribution for the next generation of stargazing architects to stumble upon. I feel Lehigh is the perfect school to assist me in fulfilling this potential. Lehigh&apos&aposs excellent architectural school and wide diversity of other challenging courses make it the ideal medium for which to fully develop my widely diversified intellectual interests.
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