波士顿学院文书Essay范文:The Loss.

2017-07-21 作者: 249阅读

  虽然美国大学留学的录取结果是通过综合考量GPA、标准化考试成绩、以及课外活动等方面,但申请综合排名前50的大学,美国留学文书Essay始终是制胜环节。除了Common Application系统要求的两篇Essay保持不变以外,各学校的Essay题目历年都会有所变化。可无论怎么变,都无外乎几种主要类型。本文对一些常见Essay Topic进行了分类,并将每一类的写作思路和选材角度做了详细介绍。

  The Loss

  Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

  Sweat poured down my face as I struggled to breathe. I was dehydrated and exhausted, and I was trying as hard as I could not to give up. From the bleachers and the sidelines, the eyes of every member of the crowd were focused intently on me. One side of the gym hoped I would fail, and the other side prayed that I would succeed.

  The muscles in my legs were undergoing uncontrollable spasms. It seemed that I could not continue, but if I surrendered to the pleas of my body, I would not only be failing myself, but failing everyone on my wrestling team. All I could think about was winning my match. I absolutely had to win. As I looked around at the large crowd in my opponent&apos&aposs school gymnasium, panic struck me, but then I convinced myself that I would win this match no matter what.

  The piercing noise of the reree&apos&aposs whistle split the air, and I knew it was time to continue. We had reached double overtime, something that I had never seen occur throughout my four years of competitive wrestling. The importance of this match was very clear. Each point the judges awarded could mean the difference between winning and losing the tournament. If I could control my opponent for thirty more seconds, I would be walking out of the ring with my chin up.

  The first ten seconds of the match passed quickly. Then, seemingly time stood still. The other team began chanting to inspire my opponent. Each second seemed like an hour. I felt eternity pass by. My opponent stood up, but I maintained the control. My team began to count down the last five seconds of the match. My mind and my body were fighting their own battle. As my teammates yelled "Two," I let go.

  I lost the match by two seconds. The points awarded to the other team for that win gave them the lead. Because of my failure to physically endure those final two seconds, our entire team lost the tournament. This momentous loss taught me in a very striking way about the importance of preparation and training. In retrospect, I knew if I had set a more rigorous training schedule for myself, I would not have lost the match. This lesson is especially valuable because it can be applied to everything. In every challenge-in academics, in athletics, and in life, the more prepared and well-studied opponent will emerge victorious.

  面临着大批的申请者,招生委员会是如何快速有效的筛选出优秀的申请者呢?当然,他们无非是看申请者的硬件及软件。所谓硬件,是指申请者自身的高中学校背景(包括高中各科成绩)和标准化考试成绩(TOEFL/ IELTS/SAT等语言考试)。软件则是指申请者的推荐人,推荐信内容,主essay,简历和所申请学校的命题小essay。想要了解更多关于“美国本科留学文书”的信息,请拨打免费留学热线:400-601-0022,或者直接点击网页上的“在线咨询”,与我们的留学专家一对一沟通交流!


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