2017-07-21 550阅读
1. Get to know the college/university.
If you don't already know enough about the university to which you are applying, call or write for an information packet, visit the campus, discuss the university with an admissions representative at a college fair/career night, or schedule an office appointment with an admissions counselor.
2. Get to know yourself.
To get to know yourself better, take some time to create a personal inventory, listing your likes and dislikes, hobbies, academic strengths and weaknesses, or anything thing you want so you can get a clear picture of who you are. You might also gather any articles or awards you have won over the years to learn what others have thought or said about you. In addition, excellent resources for information about you are your family and friends. Sit down with them and ask them to provide some ideas about your personality and talents.
3. Follow the essay directions.
Be sure you understand what is expected of you for the college admission essay. Is the essay to be typed? double spaced? Is there a maximum word limit? Should your social security number appear on the essay?
4. Find a good topic, if one hasn't already been assigned, by brainstorming.
You'll be surprised by how many ideas you can come up with by jotting down topics at random. Once you have a few ideas, pick one that you like and write down the first ideas that come to you about that particular subject. Continue this process until you are satisfied with a main topic and supporting ideas.
5. Outline your ideas.
Organize you ideas from the brainstorming activity into an outline, carully identifying the main topic and its supporting ideas, which will become paragraphs, making up the body of the essay.
6. Write a practice essay.
Draft a rough copy of your admission essay. Don't be too concerned about spelling, punctuation, or grammar at this stage. Simply write down your thoughts about your main topic. Your essay may not appear good at first, but it may surprise you!
7. Avoid super sensitive and private matters; avoid being overly clever and foolhardy.
The college admission essay is not an appropriate place to reveal your deepest secrets about yourself or anything else. Try to avoid flowery language when writing your essay. In an attempt to impress the admissions committee, you may only succeed in embarrassing yourself by using words out of context.
8. Show, don't tell.
When writing your essay, use adjectives and adverbs fectively to paint a picture for the reader. Descriptors make for a much more interesting read.
9. Be concise.
Always stick to the point of the essay. Be cautious not to stray from your main topic.
Simply stated: leave no room for error. When your essay is completed, read it aloud, listening for inconsistencies and problems with tense and usage. As a safety measure, have a friend or family member read the essay and provide you with constructive feedback and make any necessary adjustments in a final draft.
澳际留学深知每一个留学人都是独一无二的,因此我们非常厌恶制作中文文书而后翻译成英文的落后方式。令人遗憾的是,这正是很多DIY申请者和留学公司无法避免的行为。中西思维差异而导致的中式英语和词不达意等弊病对申请结果影响恶劣,我们则会根据申请者个人特点和录取委员会的思维逻辑进行纯英文创作。我们追求用地道的英语精彩展现申请人的特点,将Be Yourself 和Admission Officers' Thinking在每一份文书中完美结合。这不仅极大增加了成功机会,也让文书的写作变成了与我们的用户进行心灵交流的一种仪式。这个过程,不断感动着参与到其中的我们并为此骄傲。
澳际六步曲文书创作与学校申请服务项目根据各项考试成绩和背景提升情况最终确定学校和专业;根据所选学校的要求和特点制定有针对性的申请方案;根据所选学校的要求和特点创作有针对性的申请文书;指导申请人完成Writing Sample/Research Proposal 和Portfolio 的制作;指导申请人办理成绩单、在读证明、毕业证明,存款证明等相关申请材料;指导申请人完成网上申请和邮寄申请材料。
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